Brief feedback comments

Brief feedback comments to be considered before the start of the Pilot

1 Megan's comments have been incorporated into the Brief - so nothing to add

I thought it could be added as a new bullet point to the ‘Scope’ section on the Overview page?

  • Please can we use the term ‘Programme Rep’ not ‘Student Programme Rep’ (for example in the background section)
  • Please can we say ‘the Students’ Association’ rather than EUSA as we’re moving away from the acronym where possible
  • In the scope section, PGR is out of scope in terms of the pilot (although I’m not sure I should make the decision alone as to whether it’s out of the project as a whole)
  • Could we add Karen and Stephen’s names to the pilots of Learn and Teams respectively in the ‘Objectives and Deliverables’ section
  • In the benefits section, I’m not sure whether we could say that this will ‘make it quicker for the University to respond to issues raised by the student body’ as ultimately reps are still likely to use existing mechanisms such as SSLCs to give their feedback.  18-Jul

Also added into the scope section, PGR is out of scope in terms of the pilot. 23-Jul

2. Karen's comments regarding the Project Successes

Project Success

  • The 2 platforms have been set up and in use  for a year
  • A survey of students using the tool on their experience and satisfaction 
  • queries
  • Is there something here about also surveying the Programme Reps and Students' Association staff to make sure it isn’t super painful for them?
  • Also maybe there’s a cost-benefit comparison for each of the systems?


  • Is there something here about also surveying the Programme Reps and Students' Association staff to make sure it isn’t super painful for them?

    • Programme Reps will be included in the survey
    • The Student's  Association staff are not included at present - ask Megan?
  • Also maybe there’s a cost-benefit comparison for each of the systems?
    • Both Learn and MS Teams are available at the University
  • Regarding the 2 platforms
    • which is best suited?
    • is one lower risk than the other
    • does one take less tie to do that the other?

3. Victoria's comments re the selected programmes

I have one comment, which is, I prefer that CSE propose programmes to the Student Associations for inclusion, they should take the decision as to which they wish to proceed into pilot.

  • Ultimately it is for the Students' Association to decide which pilots would bring greatest benefit, not the college.

4. Sheila's comments

add in

5. Fraser's comments

D3.3 – unfortunately I am unable to take sole responsibility to deliver this. I will of course advise and assist project services.

We are missing a deliverable of a communication plan, owned by Project Services and EUSA.

We are missing a deliverable, owned by EUSA, to plan and deliver a promotional plan for the pilots, with the reps and the students on those programmes.

The Resources, Skills and Costs section doesn’t make sense. What’s the purpose of this section?

My Business Area denoted is incorrect, it should be CAHSS College Office.


Project Info

Student Voice Platforms Pilot
CAHSS Portfolio Projects
Management Office
Project Manager
Anne Mathison
Project Sponsor
Fraser Muir
Current Stage
Project Classification
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Overall Priority