Pilot Evaluation

Pilot Evaluation




  • Evaluation - were all of the messages sent out in a timely manner. 
  • Baseline - all the other programmes. Couple of equivalent to answer the same questions. Evaluate the 2 other platforms against that. For students and programme reps.  
  • Focus group - via Collaborate 
  • % of students who've accessed the platform - built-in analytics on how the channels are being used.  
  • Owner of the team - can click through to analytics - Manage Team - then analytics tab. 
  • Gillian - have to go via surveys unit to send this out.  
  • Natalie - for reps at end semester - from March to end April it's a handover doc for all reps (in pilot and not in pilot) 
    • - first half are for reps next year.  
    • - 2nd half more about comms from Student Association, plus looking at and analysing what happened in their role from the operational side.  
  • Adapting what we have rather than additional questionnaire.  So go to all reps.  
  • Compare those responses.  
  • Still students also - need comparable programmes to send survey to students on the pilot and others for a baseline. 

Focus group with the reps - collaborate and possibly in-person sessions. 

What questions to ask in the focus group? 

  • Timing for student surveys - one eval per semester at the end of the whole pilot?  
  • Before Christmas - NH had week 10 as check-up with online comms.   
  • Decision: eval semester 1 with reps (re the tools, and suggestions to improve)  
  • and then semester 2 with reps (through normal survey from Student Association for handover) and students (plus focus group).  
  • Need to identify equivalent programmes that haven't taken part, to be able to have a baseline for the comparison. 
  • Has the Student Association training taken place? In Natalie’s reply above 
  • Has the Student Association Pilot training taken place? In Natalie’s reply above 

Intro for Teams 

Intro for Learn 

How will it deemed to be successful? 

  • What is the uptake – what % makes it successful 
  • Can we see the uptake by each method, e.g. comparing a programme not in the pilot with the programmes that are 
  • Teams Analytics Stephen 
  • Looked at what Teams provides 
  • Query if Learn can provide something similar Karen? 
  • Natalie will see if the Marketing Team can communicate with the other means of communication and stream like Learn in  MYED   

Consider a midpoint review, maybe Sem1 week 10 - Hadn't been rolled out by them

  • Any suggested changes in case they can be incorporated easily before Sem 2 – ALL    
  • Is this a better way to communicate with students  and reps? 

Student has query posted on platforms, rep responds and fees back to student? 

  • Is it an improvement? 
  • Is it a better way than other media?  
  • Are you (the students) more likely to use it? 

Usability of pilot 

Other methods of evaluations to consider at this point 

  • None 

Sheila and Natalie swapping useful contact names    

Evaluation  - Survey Unit. Gillian provided a link to it 

Need to contact surveys unit 6 weeks prior to when we want it 

Project Info

Student Voice Platforms Pilot
CAHSS Portfolio Projects
Management Office
Project Manager
Anne Mathison
Project Sponsor
Fraser Muir
Current Stage
Project Classification
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Overall Priority