Pilot Evaluation
Pilot Evaluation
- Evaluation - were all of the messages sent out in a timely manner.
- Baseline - all the other programmes. Couple of equivalent to answer the same questions. Evaluate the 2 other platforms against that. For students and programme reps.
- Focus group - via Collaborate
- % of students who've accessed the platform - built-in analytics on how the channels are being used.
- Owner of the team - can click through to analytics - Manage Team - then analytics tab.
- Gillian - have to go via surveys unit to send this out.
- https://www.ed.ac.uk/staff/data-matters/about-surveys-reporting/student-surveys/surveys-ethics-committee/ethics-application
- Also attached the Student Voice Diagram.
- Natalie - for reps at end semester - from March to end April it's a handover doc for all reps (in pilot and not in pilot)
- - first half are for reps next year.
- - 2nd half more about comms from Student Association, plus looking at and analysing what happened in their role from the operational side.
- Adapting what we have rather than additional questionnaire. So go to all reps.
- Compare those responses.
- Still students also - need comparable programmes to send survey to students on the pilot and others for a baseline.
Focus group with the reps - collaborate and possibly in-person sessions.
What questions to ask in the focus group?
- Timing for student surveys - one eval per semester at the end of the whole pilot?
- Before Christmas - NH had week 10 as check-up with online comms.
- Decision: eval semester 1 with reps (re the tools, and suggestions to improve)
- and then semester 2 with reps (through normal survey from Student Association for handover) and students (plus focus group).
- Need to identify equivalent programmes that haven't taken part, to be able to have a baseline for the comparison.
- Has the Student Association training taken place? In Natalie’s reply above
- Has the Student Association Pilot training taken place? In Natalie’s reply above
Intro for Teams
Intro for Learn
How will it deemed to be successful?
- What is the uptake – what % makes it successful
- Can we see the uptake by each method, e.g. comparing a programme not in the pilot with the programmes that are
- Teams Analytics – Stephen
- Looked at what Teams provides
- Query if Learn can provide something similar Karen?
- Natalie will see if the Marketing Team can communicate with the other means of communication and stream like Learn in MYED?
Consider a midpoint review, maybe Sem1 week 10 - Hadn't been rolled out by them
- Any suggested changes in case they can be incorporated easily before Sem 2 – ALL
- Is this a better way to communicate with students and reps?
Student has query posted on platforms, rep responds and fees back to student?
- Is it an improvement?
- Is it a better way than other media?
- Are you (the students) more likely to use it?
Usability of pilot
Other methods of evaluations to consider at this point
- None
Sheila and Natalie swapping useful contact names
Evaluation - Survey Unit. Gillian provided a link to it
Need to contact surveys unit 6 weeks prior to when we want it