- Report Date
- September 2024
Achievements this period
- Fortnightly team meetings continuing
- Closure report shared with outgoing Programme Manager, Senior Supplier and Project Sponsor
- Budget confirmed for next project with budget holder
- Developer has now left the University of Edinburgh, this project will close with a new project to start.
- The Project is extended to complete this phase of work. The milestones and budget need to be confirmed.
- Production resource is limited. Releases will need to planned around this - John Allison taking up with Production
- Budget was confirmed to the end of March - needs to be adjusted taking the extension into account
Next steps
- Close Project, start new Project for 24/25
- Update documentation for handover
- Ongoing Amnesties DB work
- Approved budget
- 0.0 days
- Activity this month
- 16.4 days
- Activity this year
- 37.8 days
- Activity to date
- 440.0 days
- Estimate to complete current year
- 0.2 days
- Estimate to complete future years
- 0.0 days
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