Priority and Funding
This project is NORMAL priority, however after discussion with Programme Manager, the Project Manager will put through this project as a Higher priority at the WIS meeting when he has cleared it with the Project Sponsor, who is on leave until 3rd November. It will be monitored as the project progresses as there is a hard deadline for the end of support for the current Linux operating systems and indeed the physical hardware that the current Oracle databases reside on. If we had major delays in any migrations then the priority would need to be raised as the end of life dates loom. It is core-funded.
Impact and Dependencies
It is planned that the migrations will have a minimal impact on the business areas who are dependent on the databases that the various applications use. There is a possibility that the migrations could be carried out with little or no downtime and this will be carefully planned with each business area.
Each migration will need to be carefully planned as there are a number of other Projects running(ColdFusion is one ) that could affect when certain services on this project can be migrated.
This project will migrate existing Oracle 12c databases that are on servers using RHEL/CentOS 6 operating systems, and that are not due to be moved to Core Systems or SaaS. It may emerge that there are databases that do not meet the criteria (but still need to be migrated) because they are on an older version of Oracle. In these cases, the project team will work with colleagues responsible for these other databases to achieve a resolution that ensures continuity.
Lessons learned from previous projects
There have been a number of lessons learned from similar projects namely INF126 and INF142.
Due to work done on previous projects we are now in a better place with the following :-
- ITI have done some great work in Puppet which means the Virtual servers rolled out for us now need very little re-configuration.
- Regular meetings with ITI keeps the DBAs and the project up to date with any changes being made to the virtual builds so having close ties and fairly regular monthly meetings with ITI really does help the Project.
- The DBAs now have a good process written up for the actual migration process including fall back plan which can be easily used as template when raising changes with GoCab.
Project Risks
1 |
GREEN | Open | Reduce |
2 | Centos OS 7 will work with all Databases | GREEN | Open | Reduce |
3 | "New" Oracle 12c databases may be added to listings during project | GREEN | Open | Reduce | Mark Lang | |||
4 | IS Applications resources may be conflicted or 'lost' | GREEN | Open | Reduce |
5 |
GREEN | Open | Reduce | Martin Campbell | |||
6 | Budget for Project | RED | Open | Reduce |
7 | Resourcing from Development Technology | GREEN | Open | Reduce | Mark Lang | |||
8 |
RED | Open | Reduce | Suran Perera | |||
9 | Don't make plan too Rigid | GREEN | Open | Reduce | Mark Downey | |||
10 | APPS service to be split up for migration purposes | AMBER | Open | Reduce |