
Work/Task Breakdown


  • Project initiation
  • Preparation of brief and agree on scope with Project Sponsor and Stakeholders.
  • Project team to meet and refine plans/strategy for migrations
  • Estimations of Budgets to cover all build and migration work
  • Definition of Risks for the Project 
  • Sign-off of brief

Systems Analysis

  • List which databases need to migrate from their current servers because of the forthcoming redundancy of the OS and Physical servers
  • Classify the databases that will need to be migrated to new virtual machines
  • Investigate and check that all current Oracle 12c databases that are in the scope of this project will run on Centos 7 OS. This was tested on Project INF142 and INF126 but it is different services on this project so a risk analysis will be done with each service to make sure there is nothing specific that should stop it from moving to a Centos 7 server.

Build VMs

  • Build and configure virtual servers using agreed build template in Puppet, refined from work done on INF126 and INF142 projects. These servers will host the Oracle 12 databases migrated from the physical servers.
  • Update technical documentation (TADs) for any new server builds and work with ITI to update and refine builds further
  • Undertake a set of tests to show that the servers are ready to be used and host migrated databases
  • Plans and dates for migrations to be made with business users and support teams


Migrate Databases to VMs

  • Fully test databases on their current platform recording any known issues before Migration
  • Plans and dates for migrations to be made with business users and support teams taking into account dependencies
  • Migrate all identified Oracle databases to virtual servers in the sequential order of DEV. TEST and LIVE over a period of time arranged with  the Business area
  • Thorough UAT testing of the new database and  associated services  in the new VM environment before signing off for LIVE 
  • Accept database into the LIVE environment and Go Live in the new Virtual Environment
  • Monitoring of Performance over a period of time to make sure no degradation in service and performance for each database.


  • Decommission any physical servers that are being replaced with the introduction of virtual machines


  • Prepare completion report
  • Submit for approval
  • Close project

Resources, Skills and Costs

Staff from Development Technology and Technology Management will be the main resource, with involvement from other sections - in particular, Applications Management who will be needed mainly when testing pre and post delivery of each service. Software development will also be needed as and when required. This was highlighted in Project INF142 and was not accounted for properly. Some of the configuration tweaking of bamboo plans was required and the software development team assisted with this. Colleagues from ITI Unix will also be involved as they roll out the new VM servers needed as and when they are asked for, with a 2 week request notice period agreed. It is hoped that the work will be spread across a wide group of colleagues so that the skills and knowledge gained through the builds and migrations will gradually be shared across as many people as possible. The skills required cover Oracle database administration; virtualisation & VMWare, bamboo plans and Puppet work.

The project was estimated as requiring 350 days effort when first proposed; with 200 days in 2020-21 and the other 150 days to be used in 2021-22. This is roughly split between the systems analysis & planning, and the build, deployment and testing  of the virtualised databases.

The Project Manager has noted that if we split a few of the services up(APPS being the main one) it is very likely that we will need more than 350 days possibly 545 days is closer to the mark.

The estimates for this latter round of work will be carried out in March 2021 so that more definitive figures and allocations can be incorporated into the updated plans for the second part of the project.


Project Governance

The project sponsor is Suran Perera, and the programme manager is Colin Watt. The business lead is Chris Cord , and Mark Lang is the Senior User.  Due to the complexity of the services there is a need to work closely with Business areas to ensure the migrations can be planned at the best possible time and  for each migration, a mix of colleagues from Development Technology, Technology Management, ITI Unix, Applications Development and Software development  will be required and this will incorporate the main project team that will meet regularly to review progress and direction.


Project Stakeholders

Barry Tait IT Infrastructure, Unix Unix Specialist (Project Team)
Chris Cord IS Applications, Technology Management Business Lead (Project Team)
Mark Downey IS Applications, Project Services Project Manager (Project Team)
Gillian Henderson IS Applications, Development Technology Senior DBA (Project Team)
Gordon Mckenna IS Applications, Development Technology DBA (Project Team)
Heather Larnach IS Applications, Technology Management Technology Management Team Leader
Alain Forrester IS Applications , Service Management Service Manager(For JIRA service)
Mark Lang IS Applications, Development Technology Senior User (Project Team)
Martin Campbell IT Infrastructure, Unix Unix Team Leader
Colin Watt IS Applications, Project Services Programme Manager(for INF Programme)
Ewan Scott IS Applications, Production Management Senior DBA Project Lead(Project Team)
Suran Perera IS Applications, Applications Management Project Sponsor


Project Estimations

Title Stage Date Closed  
Initial Estimates for 20-21(220 days) Plan  


Initial Estimates for 21-22(155 days) plus estimations for an additional 2 services Plan  




Project Info

Move Oracle databases to VMs - Phase 2
ISG - IS Applications Infrastructure (INF)
Management Office
Project Manager
David Watters
Project Sponsor
Suran Perera
Current Stage
Project Classification
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Overall Priority