Closure Report
Project Summary
This project ran on longer than initially anticipated, but this was not an issue as the system being built was not going in to production. The system is ready for it's move to expected go-live in Feb within the IoT004 IoT Research Network and Service deployment.
Analysis of Resource Usage:
This was not tracked. All resources were dedicated to the IoT programme or core funded.
ELK (now known as DAaV) system stood up and ready for use within the new IoT service expected to go-live in Feb 2018.
System was tested successfully by Edina in October 2017.
Edina signed off that the server was ready for the IoT service project in Nov 2017.
Simon Chapple, the Iot service owner, signed off that all is complete and the project can be closed on 19/01/18
Explanation for variance
The delay to the delivery of the project resulted from key resources focusing on other higher priority work. This was not an issue as this system was not expect ed to go in to use until Feb 2018.
Key Learning Points
Outstanding Issues