The University of Edinburgh is aiming to be digital first and make evidence based decisions. This project moves the organisation forward in these areas.  This project is will provide data not just about how many people are coming in and out of the Main Library but the length of time they spend in the building, which areas of the building they use and which types of study space.

This project will help provide this type of data to the Library Management Team and will assist with the review of the Main Library which is currently underway. The data provided will also help the Library Management Team understand what the demands there are on the Main Library from different visitor groups and how that impacts on ancillary services. The data will enable operational decisions to be made, for example opening additional floors of the Main Library after midnight to meet student demand.

Users are also looking for improved information from the Library so that they can make informed decisions about when to go to the Library and which spaces to use once they are there making most efficient use of their time rather than spending time trying to locate desk space. This project will provide data which can be help improve the student experience.

This project offers the opportunity to deliver similar information to management and users with the requirement for some staff resource but without the need for investment in hardware and licences. It is proposed that if this project gets the go ahead the data from the two sources will be compared and if 90-95% accuracy can be established then the IoT approach might provide an alternate solution. However, it has to be acknowledged that the data provided will not be desk by desk but by number of people in spaces from which usage of space will be extrapolated.

If successful, then this approach could be considered for the eight site libraries. A number of which are earmarked for review over the next few years.

If the project delivers the results required, then this work will move from project to one of the services L&UC or USD deliver for the Main Library and site libraries.

This project is part of the Digital Research Services IoT Initiative to capture real-time data and use this for decision making about the future of the Main Library as the building is reviewed for a major redevelopment.

Current project status

Report Date RAG Budget Effort Completed Effort to complete
September 2021 BLUE 0.0 days 0.0 days 0.0

Project Info

Main Library Occupancy Monitoring
Internet of Things (IOT)
Management Office
Project Manager
Steve Taylor
Project Sponsor
Kirsty Lingstadt
Current Stage
Project Classification
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Overall Priority


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