One area noticeably absent from the university's service portfolio is a unified approach and ability to support communities online. We have no unified strategy, service or platform to support online communities - instead a number of commercial, private and smaller university services are used in a disjointed fashion. We know that the sense of community and belonging is a key area we feel can improve the student experience. Online communities are increasingly the way students and staff meet and interact with each other both in their private and academic lives. Many other universities have a more comprehensive approach and capability in this area. It is anticipated that most of the resources would be student workers on this study, led by staff. This study would then inform a more complete business case for a university capability to support online communities.
This speaks directly to Strategy 2030 "We foster a welcoming community, where staff, students, alumni and friends feel proud to be part of our University." It aids in our understanding of a key underpinning weakness that could assist in student experience and directly improve NSS scores.
Current project status
Report Date | RAG | Budget | Effort Completed | Effort to complete |
July 2022 | BLUE | 125.0 days | 85.0 days | 0.0 |