ITI Project Management Methodology and Process - Delivered
This page will reflect the ongoing decisions taken by the Director and Section Heads in regard to adopting and adapting the Project Management methdology and use of Projects Website.
A Mind Map is also provided.
1 Projects on the Annual Plan
All projects 'declared' as planned to start in the financial year (via the SMT sheet to Gavin and Directors) must be represented on the Projects Website, within one of the five ITI programmes.
Projects that are yet to start, will be set as 'Approved' and 'Initiate'. They will have a milestone for the expected Start Date. These will be shown on the SMT sheet and date updated if it slips.
The programme manager can use the Journal to give updates.
2 Project Lifecycle
Project Initiation (Start)
Projects that start move to 'In Progress' and 'Planning'.
Project should be started and allocated resources to reflect their priority (as set by Tony), except where there are dependencies that mean higher priority project must start after lower priority ones.
Start is a Key Milestone must be approved by Project Sponsor and Programme Manager.
A project manager must have an Initiation meeting with the Project Sponsor and the Programme Manager to start a project (and request its project code).
Once a project starts, it must have a End of Planning Date, which normally means sign-off of the Project Brief (which includes estimations, milestones, scope, objectives, deliverables, benefits). Project Managers should check Lessons Learned and similar projects as part of initiation and planning.
All Project Briefs must be signed-off by Sponsor as a minumum before end of planning - but also significant stakeholders such as Project Manager, project Funder(s), major Stakeholders, and the Technical Lead (usually).
A Project Kick-Off meeting with key stake holders must be held. For small projects, the Initiation Meeting above may be enough.
At the end of planning each project must also have Delivery Milestone Closure Milestone and intermediate milestones appropriate to the size and complexity of project.
Each milestone will have the approvers already identified and added to the milestone.
The project team should have agreed frequency of project team meetings.
The project priority is indicated in the Forward Look. The compliance/discretionary status is also shown on this. The Forward Look also indicates IS Applications involvement.
and Project Team idenfited. Technical Lead identified. Stakeholders listed and communcation plan clear. The engagement expected from IS Apps is indicated in the Forward Look. Project managers should note the involvement of Applications (on the Forward Plan) and communicate to the appropriate level.
End of Planning is a Key Milestone must be approved by accountable people.
After End of Planning Milestone, projects that start move to 'In Progress' and 'Execute'.
A project manager must maintain the Milestones, Issues and Risk Log.
A project manager should create at least one Report under the Reporting Section, but preferably a monthly Report, to set the project Status, Costs and describe activity on the project. This report has a standard format as available from the ITI001 template.
The journal is also useful for quick, informal updates.
A formal but lightweight QA will be done each month by Maurice, who will report back to PM's on the quality of the project website content. This will be backed up by 1-1 support from Maurice for highlighted projects.
Projects that are ready to deliver move to 'In Progress' and 'Deliver'.
Delivery is a Key Milestone must be approved by accountable people.
After Delivery Milestone, projects that start move to 'In Progress' and 'Closure'.
A Closure report must be done for each project . Lessons Learned logged for future reference - Sharepoint Location TBC. Benefits enabled by the deliveries from ITI projects will be logged by Maurice and he will communicate or ensure that there is communication to the appropriate audience.
Closure is a Key Milestone must be approved by accountable people.
After Closure Milestone, projects that start move to 'Closed' and 'Closure'.
3 Change Management
All changes to the Delivery date to be notified to Maurice acting as Programme Manager and SMT xls Owner. All changes to the Scope to be notified to Maurice acting as Programme Manager and SMT xls Owner. All changes to the Estimated Budget (if done) to be notified to Maurice acting as Programme Manager and SMT xls Owner. Individual Project Sponsors and Project Boards must also be notified of the above changes as per agreed tolerances at the start of the project.
Project Managers must create a Monthly Project Report for the project, using the template sent out by Maurice.
Roadmap projects must escalate to Tony if the budget will not be as spent as planned for the year, These are indicated in the ITI Forward Look.
An Issue/Change entry must be made for any of the above changes and If a milestone changes then this is recorded in the Milestone Log. If a scope change is made, then this can be updated in the Project Brief with commentary. If an estimate changes then this can be reflected in the (next) Monthly Report costing section. If the project status changes then this can be reflected in the (next) Monthly Report costing section.
4 Sharing Documents
We will use Sharepoint for sharing unsecured documents within the team and with business partners. However, teams can use the Wiki where this is the best tool.
5 Project Tools Teams are free to use whatever tool they want as their project management tool.
MS Project is an obvious choice for project planning. Project Libre is a decent alternative for small-medium size proejcts - and easily exports to MS Project Maurice has developed an excel Gannt Chart that is more suited to ITI way of working e.g. on elapsed estimates and progress reporting rather than effort -driven estimates and formal timesheet recording
Teams are free to use whatever tool they want as their version control for code and documentation. Teams are feee to use whatever tool they want as their version control for testing and recording issues and fixes - Jira is recommended.
Guides, Tools and Techniques are available from the ITI001 project template on the projects website. These will include
- an ITI project brief template
- an ITI closure report template
- the Scope Change document
- project sponsor responsibiltiies
- project sponsor - project manager initiaiton meeting agenda
- project team meeting agenda
- Three Point Estimation Spreadsheet
- Estimating Project Management effort spreadsheet
- Project Plan Gannt Chart spreadsheet
- Capture Actuals spreadsheet
- The four key milestones and who signs -off
- Sharepoint Project template
- A QA Checklist for maintainng the project website
6 Portfolio Planning and MI Reporting
Maurice has developed an Annual Planning sheet with Roadmap expenditure breakdown and run/progress/transform breakdown - a better version expected for 2016/17
Maurice has developed the ITI Forward Look to help us with planning the year(s),
Maurice maintains the SMT reporting sheet to Gavin and keeps it in sync with website, Annual Plan and forward look.
Maurice will develop a Resourcing Spreadsheet to help plan folk against projects (started) - a better one expected for 2016/17
Maurice has the formal role of Project Management Leader for ITI which covers the SMT work above. Maurice will remind section heads and PMs of projects due to start each month, deliver/close each month, and also the monthyl report with template to use.
7 Effort Estimation and Recording
Maurice will review the resource allocation with section heads and set these out on the Annual Plan sheet.
At present , section heads will not use this planning to inform and guide their staff nor formally record and measure effort against it. This position will change before start of 2016/17.
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