
Work/Task Breakdown


  • Project Visibility Portfolio Manager to support ITI to

  • S1 give greater visibility of their projects and the projects' progress - via the SMT and  via the Projects Website
  • S2 improve communication with user community through other channels  
  • Annual Planning Portfolio Manager to support ITI to

  • S3 establish a timetable and planning process
  • S4 ensure projects are prioritised in reference to Road Map (spend) and Compliance
  • S5 provide high level estimation of project resource needs and resource planning Project Process Portfolio Manager to support ITI to  
  • S5 adoption of Project Management Methodology
  • S6 use of the Projects Website as main tool to maintain website
  • S7 training for staff
  • S8 advise on, supply and create tools and techniques and guides for staff  
  • Project Management of Priority Projects

  • S9 Portfolio Manager to Project Manage major projects for ITI
  • S10 Portfolio Manage to help find resource for Project Management / Business Analysis of projects

Project Visibility

  • D1 All 15-16 projects visible on SMT and Projects Website
  • D2 an annual planning process to plan for future year by August start of year Annual Planning
  • D3 prioritised set of projects for 2015-2016
  • D4 a prioritised set of projects for 2016-2017
  • D5 better awareness between IT and Apps, and later ITI and IS, of resource expectations on ITI
  • D6 better awareness between IT and Apps, and later ITI and IS, of the impact of infrastructure changes from ITI projects
  • D7 a MI view of resource allocation as predicted against support and projects / run, grow and transform  
  • Project Process

  • D8 use of project website for all projects
  • D9 project management training for over 50% of staff done
  • D10 processes for deciding the appropriate level of governance required
  • D11 a set of defined roles and responsibilities for projects
  • D12 stakeholders and communications to stakeholders being done in projects
  • D13 clearer defined requirements, objective, deliverables and outcomes in temns of measureable success
  • D14  tools available for managing small, medium and major projects - progress against milestones, task completion, estimated effort against actuals
  • D15 put in place QA reviews and feedback on project management take-up and application Project Management of Priority Projects
  • Up to five projects have been managed by Portfolio Manager

S7 D9 Work with Rhian to set out a schedule of training sessions - Q3 S7 D9 Develop any additional bespoke documentation and guidance - Q3 Q4 S7 D9 Give any additional training for project management and process - 15/16 D10 Work with Tony and Section Heads to review and agree processes for project goverance and escalation  D8/14 Work with Tony and Section Heads to review and select tools for project management, communcation and collaboration 

S1 D1 Set up the portfolio and programmes on the project website - August S1 D1 Act as Portfolio Manager and Programme Manager for all ITI Programmes - 15/16 S3/4/5 D3/4/5/6/7 Monitor all projects to advise and support - 15/16 S8 D14/15 Monitor all projects to see where ITI have specific needs and requirements in regard t o project methodology - 15/16 S8 D14/15 Recommend any new templates or other documentation that fit ITI projects - 15/16

S2/9 D1/2/10  Work with Tony and Section Heads on the prioritisation of 15/16 Planned Projects - August S2/9 D1/2//10 Work with Tony and Section Heads on initial outlay of resource needs for projects in 15/16 - August S9 Work with Tony, Section Heads and Apps to identify siginficant resource expectations both directions 15/16 - August S3 D1/3 Work with Tony and Section Heads on the 16-19 Annual Planning - Q3/October S3 D1/3 Ensure ITI and Apps are represented during annual planning for ITI, INF and other programmes  - Q3/October S3 D1/3 Work with Tony, Section Heads and Apps to identify siginficant resource expectations both directions 16/17 - Q1 2016

S1/3 Confirm a regular meeting schedule with Tony S1/3 D3 Confirm a regular meeting schedule with Tony and Section Heads for project governance S2/3/4/5/6/8/10  Ensure regular feedback and discussion section heads 


Resources Skills and Cost

Project Services will provide 1 FTE in total. Primarily from Maurice Franceschi, Senior Project Manager and Programme Manager.  Rhian Davies, Deputy Head of Project Services, will also play a key role, working closely with Maurice and Tony Weir to identify and embed the new ways of working.

If required, some additional project management resource could be made available from Project Services for delivery of IT Infrastructure Roadmap projects.