ITI have published a 5 year roadmap for the IT infrastructure required to support the University’s strategic objectives. This will be delivered through a combination of major programmes of work and smaller enabling projects. In order to have greater confidence in delivery, ITI would like to work in partnership with Project Services (IS Apps). The ITI and Project Services (IS Apps) partnership will focus on the following key areas:
Developing a suitable project and programme delivery framework for the IT Infrastructure Roadmap.
Project Services (IS Apps) providing project management for larger and more complex IT Infrastructure Roadmap projects and assist with the management of temporary contract project managers where this is required.
Project Services (IS Apps) establishing effective processes which support ITI staff to successfully manage and deliver IT Infrastructure Roadmap projects where this is required.
Project Visibility
Portfolio Manager to support ITI to
- S1 give greater visibility of their projects and the projects' progress - via the SMT and via the Projects Website
- S2 improve communication with user community through other channels
Annual Planning
Portfolio Manager to support ITI to
- S3 establish a timetable and planning process
- S4 ensure projects are prioritised in reference to Road Map (spend) and Compliance
- S5 provide high level estimation of project resource needs and resource planning
Project Process
Portfolio Manager to support ITI to
- S5 adoption of Project Management Methodology
- S6 use of the Projects Website as main tool to maintain website
- S7 training for staff
- S8 advise on, supply and create tools and techniques and guides for staff
Project Management of Priority Projects
- S9 Portfolio Manager to Project Manage major projects for ITI
- S10 Portfolio Manage to help find resource for Project Management / Business Analysis of projects
Project Visibility
- Have all ITI projects planned for the year visible on the SMT and on the Projects Website by end of 2015
Annual Planning
- Have the ITI projects for 2015-16 confirmed and prioritised by the end of November
- Estimate the project resource requirements as part of the planning
- Check ITI requirements from other divisions and ITI needs for resource for other divisions as part of the planning
- Have the annual plan for 2016-17 in place for August
Project Process
- Training for staff to enable project management take up and for project methdology awareness - aim for 50% of staff to have been trained by July 2015
- All ITI projects being actively managed on the proejct website by July 2015
- Provide series of key tools and techniques and confirm their usage by July 2015
- Establish process and tools to Estimate Project resource needs and to then monitor project process needs by July 2015
Project Management of Priority Projects
- Portoflio Manager to manage up to five projects.
- Portfolio Manager to help identify needs for and resource additional project managers (or business analysts).
Project Visibility
- D1 All 15-16 projects visible on SMT and Proejcts Website
- D2 an annual planning process to plan for future year by August start of tear
Annual Planning
- D3 prioritised set of projects for 2015-2016
- D4 a prioritised set of projects for 2016-2017
- D5 better awareness between IT and Apps, and later ITI and IS, of resource expectations on ITI
- D6 better awareness between IT and Apps, and later ITI and IS, of the impact of infrastructure changes from ITI projects
- D7 a MI view of resource allocation as predicted against support and projects / run, grow and transform
Project Process
- D8 use of project website for all projects
- D9 project management training for over 50% of staff done
- D10 processes for deciding the appropriate level of governance required
- D11 a set of defined roles and responsibilities for projects
- D12 stakeholders and communications to stakeholders being done in projects
- D13 clearer defined requirements, objective, deliverables and outcomes in temns of measureable success
- D14 tools available for managing small, medium and major projects - progress against milestones, task completion, estimated effort against actuals
- D15 put in place QA reviews and feedback on project management take-up and application
Project Management of Priority Projects
- Up to five projects have been managed by Portfolio Manager in 15/16
Project Visibility
- better communication - by improved communication process within projects to stakeholders and other teams
- better communication - by improved awareness of ITI work across the university
- ITI can evidence their work and show the benefits they are providing
Annual Planning
- strategic alignment - by prioritising through formal annual planning and ongoing governance that the projects undertaken reflect the university's priorities through 2015-2020
- reduction in resource conflict - clearer awareness of project priorities - all ITI staff know which work needs their attention
- reduction in resource conflict - by planned resourcing for projects - ITI staff know when they are need to work on projects and how much effort is expected
Project Process
- better project delivery - by formal project management and process in place to set plan and estimate tasks, set stage milestones, identify and manage risks, track and resolve issues
- better project delivery - by having resources within and outside ITI being planned in advance
- reduction in resource conflict - by escalation - ITI staff know when and how to escalate an issue that impacts on them and the project
- better MI as to project progress, activity, risks and issues, resource needs and forward planning
- alignment with rest of IS in terms of vocabulary, programme management, MI reporting
Project Management of Priority Projects
- priority projects managed by experienced project manager
- some examplar projects availabel for reference for ITI staff
- experience of workign within ITI on proejcts and feedback on changes to methodology
Success Criteria
Project Visibility
- Visibility of Projects 2015-16 via SMT
- ITI Projects on the Project Website
Annual Planning
- Annual Planning Process in place
- Project Planning for 2016-17 in place for start of the yearResource
- Estimation and Monitoring for Programmes in place
Project Process
- Adopt Project Management Methodology -all projects being actively managed - a cadre of ITI trained and engaged project managers in place
- Project Management training done, Project Management Tools and Techniques available
- Resource Estimation and Monitoring for Projects - process and tools in place
- Written up ITI Project Management process in place
Project Management of Priority Projects
- up to five projects managed by Portfolio Manager