3d printing has great potential to support communication and rapid prototyping activities across a range of learning, teaching and engagement activities. Already there are pockets of significant practice in areas such as Veterinary Science, Engineering and ECA. 3d printing is also a key technology that one would find in a wider maker space / fab lab environment.

We are proposing the creation of a Maker Space facility for the University within Argyle House, and are increasingly aware of the variety of other facilities that staff and students might use (FabLab+ in Engineering; Edinburgh HackLab; MakLab etc). Whilst there is significant awareness inside LTW, there is less practical experience.

This project aims to kick-start a 'maker mindset' inside LTW by supporting a staff development project to build a 3d printer.

The project will involve:

  • Selecting the appropriate kit or design
  • Sourcing components
  • Potentially using facilities in the Engineering FabLab+ facility to fabricate components
  • Assembling the printer
  • Investigating basic 3d scanning tools (such as 123d Catch) to create something to print
  • Printing something

All participants will be expected to contribute to a project blog to chart the process and reflect on learning. 3d models created will be made available under CC licenses.

The intention is not to build a reliable 3d printer (though that would be a bonus), but rather to better understand the materials, processes, and technologies and facilities involved. At the end of the project we should be able to talk knowledgably and be well placed to advise others who wish to explore 3d printing, pointing them towards relevant resources and facilities and explain where it is useful or not. We will also have an artefact that we can take to School Learning Technology fairs stimulate conversations about maker activities, and advertise the Maker Space we eventually hope to have to offer.

Current project status

Report Date RAG Budget Effort Completed Effort to complete
October 2016 0.0 days 0.0 days 0.0

Project Info

Build a 3d Printer
Z. IS Innovation - Learning, Teaching and Web (LTI) - Closed
Project Manager
Anne-Marie Scott
Project Sponsor
Helen Murphie
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date


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