The University is now taking steps to allow the return of staff, students and alumni back on to the University Campus as the Government restrictions begin to ease. One of the buildings deemed as a priority for reopening is the Main Library Building. The various departments within the Library building have been working to prepare themselves for the reopening of the Library on 14th September 2020.
The re-opening must be carried out taking in to account the current Government guidance on re-opening buildings, social distancing and face mask use as well as health and safety regulations which cover areas such as number of toilets required and use of welfare areas.
As the work and plans progressed across the areas within the Library it was decided that a project manager be put in place to help co-ordinate the work going on across the various areas and help to resolve any issues, blockers or dependencies across these workstreams.
This project will focus on the reopening of the Main Library Building on the 14th September.
It will cover the following areas:
- Facilities
- USD services
- L&UC services
- Student Services (Careers)
- Café
- Exhibition Space
- Cleaning
Out of scope
There will be other projects that have direct links to the main library reopening work but are considered out of scope of this project.
Study Spaces - This project is looking at creating and managing stud spaces across the estate including the main library. However this is being managed separately and considered out of scope of this project but a key dependency that project will monitor
Re-opening of other buildings - There are numerous other buildings that will also be reopening particularly for use as Study Spaces. Some of the preparation work for the Main Library reopening may also be used in the reopening of other buildings but they are deemed out of scope of this work.
Objectives and Deliverables
Objective 1 - Reopen Main Library Building on 14th September 2020
Deliverable 1.1 - RIsk Assessments for all areas of the building complete
Deliverable 1.2 - All relevant signage in place including one way systems and social distancing markers
Deliverable 1.3 - Cleaning stations in place through out the building
Deliverable 1.4 - Queue Management System in place to control numbers of people within the building
Deliverable 1.5 - Defined Break out spaces for staff
B1. Begin to allow staff members access to the university Campus to allow ease of working, and start to return to 'normal' working.
B2. Allow Students to access comfortable and safe Study Spaces for the benefit of their course studies
B3. Access to Library Materials for staff and students
B4. Provides a fully functional and safe work space for Staff working removing any of the challenges associated with homeworking
Success Criteria
1.Access to the main library building for staff and students
2. ability to control numbers of people entering the building
3. Staff and students feel safe in the new work surroundings
4. Staff and students feel comfortable in the work environment taking into account the new measures of social distancing
Project Milestones
(Please copy and paste from Milestones log)
Stage | Milestone | Due Date | Previous Date | Complete | |
Initiate | Project Brief | 02-Sep-2020 | No date available | No | |
Plan | Project Plan Complete | 04-Sep-2020 | No date available | No | |
Deliver | Deliver Project Outcomes | 14-Sep-2020 | No date available | No | |
Close | Project Closed | 18-Sep-2020 | No date available | No |