Project Brief
RSS502 – Immutable Storage
Project Brief
Document Sign-off
Name |
Role |
Date signed off |
Rebecca Hirsch |
Project Sponsor |
Ianthe Sutherland |
Service Owner |
Chris Walker |
Project Manager |
Working draft should be version 0.x and 1.x Draft sent for Approval/Review should be version 2.x Approved Project brief should be 3.0 Post-approval changes should be change controlled via Issue Log and Scope Change Page, and version 3.x
DuraSpace have announced that support for DSpace 6 will end on 1st July 2023 which gives us a year to complete the upgrades of our ten instances of DSpace. DSpace 7 is a major upgrade with an entirely new interface including updated submission processes and workflows. For each instance, existing customisations that have been made will either need to be re-written or retired.
New instances will need to be thoroughly tested and approved by their relevant stakeholders before a final migration and switchover of the live URL is scheduled. We will need the relevant stakeholders to commit time in their work plans for testing and will need to align our timeline for their instance with their availability.
DSpace Instances
University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh Research Archive
Exam Papers Online
Digital Preservation
Collections Manager
SCURL Repository Partners
Aberdeen University Research Archive
Heriot-Watt Research Output Service
Research Scotland Consortium
St Andrews Research Repository
Queen Margaret University Repositories https://eresearch.qmu.a
Out of Scope
Any other technology pathways that are not aligned to DSPACE and its operation
Objectives and Deliverables and Success Criteria
Upgrade all instances to Dspace 7
Description of the Objective |
Success Criteria |
Description of the Deliverables needed to achieve the objective |
Objective 1 |
Upgrade all instances to Dspace 7 |
Deliverable D1.1 |
Deliverable D1.2 |
Objective 2 |
Deliverable D2.1 |
Deliverable D2.2 |
Objective 3 |
Deliverable D3.1 |
Deliverable D3.2 |
Objective 4 |
Deliverable D4.1 |
Deliverable D4.2 |
Objective 5 |
Deliverable D5.1 |
Deliverable D5.2 |
Objective 6 |
Deliverable D6.1 |
Deliverable D6.2 |
This table can be used through Business and Technical Analysis, Design, Build, and Testing/UAT as a Traceability Matrix to ensure the project brief project objectives and deliverables are followed through.
The followiing activity must be met in order to deliver the project with success. Perquisite tasks occur prior to any customer specific activity
User/Owner |
MoSCoW |
Set By |
Set up puppet instance VMS's |
M |
CW |
Accessibility review |
M |
CW |
Vanilla Build ready to configure |
M |
CW |
Repeat following per customer |
review customizations per partner |
M |
CW |
Implement Customizations | M | CW | |
Import customer data | M | CW | |
Migrate URL's and Certificates | M | CW | |
Test | M | CW | |
Decommission legacy instances | M | CW |
Currently all instances are unsupported and have security observations, upgrade will bring in line with standards and industry best practice
Project will have these governance roles by default. Delete/Add/Change as appropriate.
Portfolio Governance
Role |
Name |
Division / Group / Team / College / School and Title |
Project Sponsor |
Rebecca Hirsch |
Programme Owner |
Ianthe Sutherland |
Programme Manager |
Robin RIce |