The Medical School make use of several manikins for simulation teaching and over the years this teaching has become more frequent and popular with the students. The College have so far been fortunate to receive funding to help pay for these manikins, however due to the reliance on these manikins for certain teaching sessions, if major faults occur there is a risk the teaching sessions may have to be cancelled whilst repairs or replacements are found.
The current Simulated Patient database was created in MS Access many years ago by the Simulated Patient coordinator. A redesign of the database was originally worked on by IS Apps (starting about 5 years ago) however due to certain circumstances this was never fully implemented and the relationship between the departments fell apart. Due to the requirements for GDPR, the existing database is not suitable and requires a complete redevelopment to allow it to be supported by the College and meet the additional requirements of the Simulated Patient staff.
The EPPSAT database was developed by IS Apps several years ago and is currently supported updated by specific IT staff located within the Chancellor's Building. Since the database was created before GDPR, its content and use must be checked for compliance and any necessary requirements must be implemented.
- Audit the current simulation manikins in use by the Medical School, highlighting their purchase prices, maintenance costs, suppliers and suggested replacement cycle.
- Replace the current Simulated Patient database
- Ensure the EPPSAT database meets GDPR and that it can be supported and updated as required.
- Potentially propose a draft SLA for the Simulated Patient and EPPSAT databases.
Highlight the costs associated with the simulation teaching equipment within the Medical School, as well as the current suppliers that can offer suitable replacements when required. The College procurement team must be happy with any proposals due to the high value of the manikins.
Replace the existing Simulated Patient database with a supportable system that meets GDPR and can link to an online calendar when booking Simulated Patients for teaching sessions.
Ensure the existing EPPSAT database created by IS Apps several years ago meets GDPR and that support and updates can continue to be provided.
- Audit report on the current simulation manikins and a proposal on replacement cycles and funding required.
- A Simulated Patient database which meets GDPR and the additional requirements of the Simulated Patient Coordinator.
The College will be able to plan funding for the future, in order to maintain and replace the simulation manikins which are now heavily used for teaching.
The Simulated Patient and EPPSAT databases will meet GDPR and be supportable and updatable as required.
Success Criteria
The simulation equipment audit report is completed and provided to College management, finance and procurement for approval.
The new Simulated Patient database is created.
Both Simulated Patient and EPPSAT databases meet the requirements of GDPR.
Both Simulated Patient and EPPSAT databases can be supported and updated as required.