March 2019
- Report Date
- March 2019
Achievements this period
- Vet School have decided which type of screen they want in G.45, so AV design has been adjusted for this room. Following a discussion with one of the room users, a suitable solution for the camera mount in G.45 needs to be found. The rest of the design paperwork for the 6 Vet School rooms has been completed and will be sent out to contractors asap (at which point we'll receive some suggestions from them regarding the camera mounting).
- Kennedy Tower Division Lecture Theatre will have estates work commence on the 10th June which will allow AV installation to take place at the beginning of July.
- Numerous meetings have taken place regarding the Western General Medical Education Centre refurbishment, which has meant that there have been numerous design changes to the spaces. Although building contractor hasn't been appointed yet, it has been written into the tender that the appointed AV contractor will be allowed on site to carry out installation work from the beginning of August. Completion of main teaching spaces needs to be Friday 23rd August.
- Engie are investigating costs for the work associated with the Clinical Skills rooms within the Chancellor's Building.
- An interim Estates project manager has been put in place for the Western General Medical Education Centre refurbishment, due to previous project manager being signed off work. During some of the meetings this month, some uncertainty was raised regarding what the NHS IT department have been told about the refurbishment (if anything).
- Workload from LST project manager who resigned has been spread out between Eddy O'Hare and Alan Gilchrist.
Next Steps
- Confirm final design of Western General Medical Education Centre with interim Estates project manager and stakeholder group so that AV designs can be sent out to AV contractors for tender.
- Arrange suitable dates for upgrades of Chancellor's Building rooms once engie have responded to the minor works order requests.
- Assign AV contractor to Kennedy Tower Division Lecture Theatre upgrade.
- Confirm that the NHS IT department have been informed about the Western General Medical Education Centre refurbishment and that they have been provided with the relevant information regarding NHS PC, network port and telephone port locations.
- Approved budget
- 0.0 days
- Activity this month
- 0.0 days
- Activity this year
- 0.0 days
- Activity to date
- 0.0 days
- Estimate to complete current year
- 0.0 days
- Estimate to complete future years
- 0.0 days