April 2019
- Report Date
- April 2019
Achievements this period
- The design paperwork has been completed and the AV contractor has been set for the Vet School rooms. The contractor will be assisting with finding a suitable solution for the camera mount in G.45.
- The AV contractor has been set for the Kennedy Tower Lecture Theatre upgrade.
- The final design of the Western General Medical Education Centre has been set and the AV requirements have been updated to align with this.
- The removal of existing AV equipment in the Western General Medical Education Centre has begun and will be completed in early May. AV contractors have been made aware of the work and one will be appointed in early May for their work to begin at the start of August. NHS IT have been made aware of the refurbishment work and been provided with documentation outlining the numbers and locations of new network and phone ports (these will be run to their switches).
- Engie costs have been returned for 2 of the Clinical Skills rooms and authority to proceed has been given for these.
- The appointment of the main building contractor for the Western General Hospital Medical Education Centre hasn't taken place yet, so concern is being raised as to when the work will start and when the refurbishment will be complete. The timeline is set for completion handover back to the University on Friday 23rd August and teaching begins again on Monday 26th August, so there is no leeway.
- Still waiting for engie costs to be returned for 5 rooms.
Next Steps
- Arrange suitable dates for upgrades of Chancellor's Building rooms once engie have responded to the minor works order requests.
- Appoint AV contractor to the Western General Medical Education Centre refurbishment project and introduce them to the main building contractor (once they are appointed).
- Approved budget
- 0.0 days
- Activity this month
- 0.0 days
- Activity this year
- 0.0 days
- Activity to date
- 0.0 days
- Estimate to complete current year
- 0.0 days
- Estimate to complete future years
- 0.0 days