June 2019
- Report Date
- June 2019
Achievements this period
- Main building contractor for the Western General Medical Education Centre started work on Monday 10th June. They have been progressing fairly well, but are behind schedule in some aspects.
- The meeting with the main building contractor, main AV contractor, University CIS team and the local IS team took place on the 14th June. This was a productive meeting and a proposed schedule was drafted, however this has since had to change.
- Engie have now started working on the rooms in the Chancellor's Building and are due to complete on Friday 12th July with the AV contractor due to start on Monday 15th July.
- The main contractor has now stated that they can't currently commit to making the seminar rooms available for the start of August and can't give a definitive date when they will be available, and the AV contractor has stated that the furniture they are supplying won't be delivered on site until the 12th August. This has increased the risk of the rooms not being available for the proposed teaching start date in the MEC of the 26th August.
- Certain items that should have been included in the main tender of the Western General Medical Education Centre had been dropped, therefore solutions now need to be found with short notice and the costs will need to be added into the project (these are the installation of air canisters for the simulation rooms and the nurse/emergency call system for the 2 bed ward).
- An issue with the construction of the back wall in the Kennedy Tower lecture theatre has been found (where we need a hole cut out for the projector). This has delayed the project be a few days, however we do have a little leeway for completion.
Next Steps
- Design solutions for the installation of the air canisters and the nurse/emergency call system for the Western General Medical Education Centre.
- Approved budget
- 0.0 days
- Activity this month
- 0.0 days
- Activity this year
- 0.0 days
- Activity to date
- 0.0 days
- Estimate to complete current year
- 0.0 days
- Estimate to complete future years
- 0.0 days