Project Brief
Document Sign Off
Name | Project Role | Date Signed Off |
Nicola Crowley | Project Sponsor | 24/04/2019 |
Paul De'Ath | Project Manager | 01/05/2019 |
Sheila Fraser | IS Head of MVM IT/Budget Holder | 23/04/2019 |
Lisa Dawson | Student Services Partnership | 18/04/2019 |
Muriel Mewissen | IS Project Services Portfolio Manager | 23/04/2019 |
Jennifer Hill | MBChB Assessment Team | 24/04/2019 |
Susan Cooke/Alex Carter | IS Service Management | 01/05/2019 |
Defeng Ma | SSP resource manager | 01/05/2019 |
Richard Arkless | APT Business analyst - SME (approved and access confirmed by Franck Bergeret) | 16/04/2019 |
Paula Webster/Jamie Morton | Team manager/lead report analyst - Report Team | 01/05/2019 |
- IS Production - No initial requirement for IS Production engagement, whilst bi-suite is supported, the new report support will be confirmed during the course of the project. MBChB assessment team are taking super user training, so have assumed they will be in place to adopt a level of support themselves.
- App Dev - Defeng Ma approved the requirements from the previous project MVM121 and is supportive of this project; Rob Manley is engaged for minimal development.
- Service Management - We have discussed with Andrew McFarlane about training requirements; MBChB have now booked themselves on his recommended course. It is possible that we may seek confirmation on their training, but I imagine it will be a short discussion that is required at most.
- Update 29 April 2019 - Susan confirmed that Service Management are building a catalogue of bi-reports, so this project will ensure details of the new reports are shared with them, once they are created and ready - see new milestone
- Update 01 May 2019 - Susan and Andrew have confirmed that the project will need to perform some QA around the reports and objects. Andrew will be invited to a meeting with the team in late May once Richard becomes available to ensure all parties are clear on the requirements. None of this is new to Richard, Rob and Paul G, so not expecting any issues to arise. the new milestone has been further amended to reflect this new additional task.
- Student Service Partnership - A business analyst will create the specification of new objects to be added to the Universe. Once developed, Paul Gorman will test in a feedback loop with Rob. Once the object is live, the new reports will be created.
- Update 30 April 2018 - Defeng believes that the update on the Universe will be performed by SSP developer (Rob working with Ryan and Richard). Though the report can then be built by a BA it's more likely that SSP via Paul Gorman will execute. Project Manager will confirm.