Priority and Funding
This is a priority 3 project, Normal.
Although the priority for this project in the MVMLAT programme and in the MVM portfolio is 2, High.
It is discretionary and core funded through the college ring fenced.
Impact and Dependencies
N/A at this moment in time.
Project Risks
As of 16/04/2019:-
Ref | Title | Initial Risk | Current Risk | Status | Management Approach | Risk Owner | Date of Last Review |
1 | Maintain access to SSP and MBChB colleagues | AMBER | GREEN | Open | Reduce | Paul De'Ath | 26-Mar-2019 |
2 | Budget implications covering late 2018-19 and early 2019-20 | GREEN | GREEN | Open | Reduce | Sheila Fraser | 26-Mar-2019 |
3 | Reports fail | GREEN | GREEN | Open | Reduce | Paul De'Ath | 26-Mar-2019 |
4 | Support for the reports | GREEN | GREEN | Open | Reduce | Paul De'Ath | 26-Mar-2019 |
5 | Current PM contract ends July 26, 2019 | AMBER | GREEN | Open | Reduce | Muriel Mewissen | 16-Apr-2019 |