
Work/Task Breakdown

The work in progress high level project plan is as follows:


Project High Level - steps to deliver an automated, via report, MBChB student ranking process

SSP Development will create new object in universe supported by the project team

SSP and Dev team will create new report framework supported by the project team

SSP and Dev incorporate new object into report definitions supported by the project team

Project team test reports - raise faults, identify solution, fix, publish, retest - through to completion and approval

MBChB will continue to manually create student ranking spreadsheets

MBChB will attend super user training

Project team will identify and agree a new support structure

Project team will approve report handover into Live for MBChB to execute - will also engage with Service Management to update bi suite report catalogue with details of new reports

MBChB will confirm a further training and communication programme to expand the number of users able to perform this task

Project confirms all requirements have been met

Prepare to close - obtain stakeholder approval and close

Resources, Skills and Costs

Resources from the following teams are required to deliver this project:

  • Project Services   -  Project Manager                                                                                         12 days
  • Project Services   -  Portfolio Manager                                                                                      1 day
  • Student Services/Dev team                                                                                                           25 days

It is anticipated that no additional IS resources will be required, however MBChB assessment teams will be required. This remains dependant on how we define support, the initial view being that MBChB have the capability and capacity to take much of it on. Update April 30:- This will be reviewed with Suran Perera and Brandi Headon


  • Mainly covered by risks.
  • No additional IS requirements:-
    • Production supported by MBChB assessment team rather than Production Management
    • App Dev 'style' work is provided by Student Service Partnerships and App Dev team (Richard Arkless, Rob Manley, Paul Gorman)
  • Migrate the 'as is' MBChB approach to the execution of the student ranking process 
    • Take opportunities to improve business process as our understanding of the process and new reports increases


Project Governance

The project will follow the standard Information Services model.

Project Stakeholders

As of 16/04/2019:-

Name Business Area Role
Defeng Ma SSP SSP Development resource manager
Elaine Wighton ISG BA (Project Team)
franck bergeret Student Systems Programmes Engagement/Resource availability
Jennifer Hill MBChB Business Lead (Project Team)
Lisa Dawson SSP Director SSP
Muriel Mewissen ISG Senior Supplier
Nicola Crowley MBChB Prohect Sponsor (Project Team)
Paul De'Ath ISG Project Manager (Project Team)
Paul Gorman Student Systems Operation Reporting (Project Team)
Philippa Burrell MBChB MBChB Management
Richard Arkless SSP SME (Project Team)
Rob Manley SSP/IS Dev Development (Project Team)
Ryan Stewart SSP SME (Project Team)
Sheila Fraser MVM MVM IT Head - Budget Holder
Suran Perera and Brandi Headon Support Support discussion for the new reports and business object


Project Estimations - assess 3 point estimate as of 16/04/2019


Project Info

MBChB ranking reports in BI Suite
MVM Learning and Teaching (MVMLAT)
Management Office
Project Manager
Susan Ridder-Patrick
Project Sponsor
Nicola Crowley
Current Stage
Project Classification
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Overall Priority