

This project follows on from the successful conclusion of MVM121 (Reporting of assessment outcomes to external bodies) which delivered an approved recommendation paper identifying an option that all contributors approved.

MBChB currently run a series of manual activities across a number of spreadsheet's to rank all MBChB students. Both timely and containing risk of human error, this project will create new BI-Suite reports which MBChB can execute whenever they need to. The intention is for them to be easy to use but containing options (adjust weightings, select years etc), fully supported and ready for summer 2019 use.

Student Services Partnerships are fully engaged with the project requirements and timelines and have approved resource allocation.

ISG project services will manage the project throughout.

MVM hold the budget, which has been approved. Core funded by College ring fence allocation (65 days allocated to MVM121 in 2018/19, with 23 used, leaving 42 days for this follow-on project).

An MVM motto - significant changes are likely to be 'anthropological rather than technological’, so we may introduce technological change, but we need humans to execute it, hopefully, we will determine what we want the technology to do, not the other way round!


The activities in this project will include:

  • Create new object in the Universe
    • Update May 01, 2019:- Following subsequent meetings we think the project may need to deliver one further universe object to support a view of the report that defines student cohorts by the year of programme the entered on (ie it categorises students according to whether they followed the standard pattern of entering year 1, or were given advanced entry to year 2, or year 3): ESSMU currently has an object defining the entry session, but not one defining the entry year of programme. The project team will liaise on the detailed requirements for this new object once the analysis is complete. The data needed to feed the new object is already in EUGEX so the additional development work shouldn't be onerous and hopefully won't affect overall timescales.
  • Create new reports that MBChB assessment team can execute independently within bi-suite - based on requirements generated in MVM121
  • Provision of super user training for MBChB assessment team
  • Develop and sign off User Acceptance Testing to validate the reports - functionally and technically
  • Support MBChB assessment team maintaining their manual spreadsheet execution of student ranking - will act as both data input and will also de-risk the project
  • Communication to all stakeholders
  • Create an agreed support model for the reports
  • Extend MBChB change - not just the technical elements surrounding the introduction of the new reports, but the structural, process and people based change that will emerge alongside the technical delivery

Objectives and Deliverables





O1  Deploy two new bi-suite reports for MBChB to execute student ranking.    


 Create new object(s) in universe


SSP Development


 Manage creation of two reports utilising this object and matching MBChB requirements


SSP and Project
D4  Ensure MBChB staff attend and pass 'super user' training   M

MBChB and Project

D5  Decommission manual spreadsheet work   M Project
D6  Agree and create a new support model   M Project




Improving assessment and feedback of the students is considered the number one priority for the Medical School. Student ranking is therefore seen as a critical element by many students. Currently it's an extremely timely process for MBChB to produce, with several iterations of build and check with several members of the team to try and reduce the potential of a human error occurring. These new reports will remove any potential for human errors to occur and will also allow MBChB to execute quickly.

Success Criteria

Supporting the construction of student ranking during the summer 2019 and beyond with quality data and improved best practise.

Project Milestones

As of 16/04/2019:-

Stage Milestone Due Date Previous Date Complete
Initiate complete initiation 05-Apr-2019 No date available Yes
Plan Completion of project brief 26-Apr-2019 No date available No
Deliver Advanced bi suite training complete 20-Jun-2019 03-May-2019 No
Deliver MBChB complete 2018-19 manual ranking 31-May-2019 No date available No
Deliver Deliver draft reports 28-Jun-2019 No date available No
Deliver Complete testing - validation of manual ranking and new reports 26-Jul-2019 No date available No
Deliver Agree new support model complete 02-Aug-2019 No date available No
Deliver Delivery of reports complete 16-Aug-2019 No date available No
Close Close report complete and approved 13-Sep-2019 No date available No

Project Info

MBChB ranking reports in BI Suite
MVM Learning and Teaching (MVMLAT)
Management Office
Project Manager
Susan Ridder-Patrick
Project Sponsor
Nicola Crowley
Current Stage
Project Classification
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Overall Priority