Ensure the upgrade of student computer lab, teaching and meeting room PC's across the College estate. Checks will be made to ensure the reductions last year within the student computer labs were accurate.
Due to more students having their own laptops or making use of the long-term laptop loan scheme, the project will look at the feasibility of reducing numbers of College PCs in drop in spaces (i.e. not bookable teaching spaces) and providing alternative facilities, such as additional power sockets on desks to allow the students to charge their portable devices. As rooms are identified, they will be added to the lists below.
Computer Labs
Greenfield Suite (all rooms) - 74 PCs
Chancellor's Building Microlab 1 - 20 PCs
Chancellor's Building Microlab 2 - 20 PCs
WGH MEC Quiet Study Space - 6 PCs
Test Machine - 1 PC
Teaching/Meeting Rooms
MacKenzie House G.14b
Easter Bush ARB G.07
Easter Bush ARB 1.107
Easter Bush (other rooms TBC) - 3 PCs
Chancellor's Building Clinical Skills Simulation Ward - 2 PCs
Chancellor's Building Clinical Skills FU307
Chancellor's Building Clinical Skills FU309
QMRI E3.04
WGH IGC South S1.15
WGH (other room TBC) - 1 PC
Borders General Hospital - 2 PCs
Teviot Place (rooms TBC) - 2 PCs
Objectives and Deliverables
To replace the PCs in the above areas within a timely manor and with the least amount of inconvenience to students and staff.
Project Milestones
(Please copy and paste from Milestones log)