Each year the College replaces the AV facilities in a number of teaching spaces across its estate. We are trying to move to a 5 year replacement cycle, however this is dependant on available funding. Due to the effects of COVID-19, unless told otherwise, the project will look to ensure all rooms added this year will be capable of running online teaching sessions. For financial year 2022/23 the replacements are below.
Easter Bush:
- Move presentation equipment and add additional power and network for room 1.21 Clinical Skills.
- F Block Tutorial Rooms 2 and 3.
- Visualiser for Large Animal Clinical Skills in F Block.
- Replacement screens for pathology viewing area.
- Costs associated with electrical and network work from last years AV upgrade projects.
- Recoding of control panels in G.01, G.02, G.02A, G.03, G.03A, LT1 and LT2.
- Estates costs for replacing room information screens.
- Request for streaming/recording from one of the surgical theatres (possibly).
- Second microphone for Vet School Teaching Lab 2.
- Request for new cameras for Langhill Farm (possibly).
- Removal of AV equipment and furniture from Chancellor's Building Elsie Inglis lab due to it being changed into office space.
- Removal of AV equipment from Chancellor's Building seminar room 1 due to it being changed into office space.
- Minor fabric work for FU305.
- Estates costs to allow Chancellor's Building lecture theatres to be upgraded with last year's equipment.
- Estates costs associated with the room booking screen changes we made last year (bill from Equans came 6-8 weeks after work was completed).
- F3403 in RIE.
- SU209 replacement camera.
- Replacement touchscreen styluses for all rooms in Chancellor's Building.
- Simman Essential license upgrade.
- VR software trial for simulation evaluation.
- New exam separator boards for microlabs 1 and 2
Central Area:
- Anatomy Lab.
- Dermatology Consulting Room E (4 103).
- New Dermatology hub at Lauriston (possibly).
- 3 x Mackenzie Medical Practice rooms.
- Greenfield Suite exam separator boards for main lab and small lab.
Wetern General - Rooms TBC
Objectives and Deliverables
To install the equipment purchased for last years teaching spaces priority list.
To replace the AV installations in the above rooms within a timely manor and with the least amount of inconvenience to the users.
Success Criteria
All rooms and equipment are upgraded and paid for within the financial year.