Closure Report
Project Summary
Each year the College replaces the AV facilities in a number of teaching spaces across its estate. We are trying to move to a 5 year replacement cycle, however this is dependant on available funding. Due to the effects of COVID-19, unless told otherwise, the project will look to ensure all rooms added this year will be capable of running online teaching sessions. For financial year 2022/23 the replacements are listed below.
Easter Bush:
- Presentation equipment was moved and additional power and network were added for room 1.21 Clinical Skills.
- F Block Tutorial Rooms 2 and 3 received full upgrades.
- Visualiser for Large Animal Clinical Skills in F Block was added.
- Replacement screens for pathology viewing area were added.
- Electrical and network work from 2021/22 AV upgrade projects were funded.
- Second microphone for Vet School Teaching Lab 2 purchased.
- 12 new digital microphones and multichannel receivers purchased.
- Recoding of control panels in G.01, G.02, G.02A, G.03, G.03A, LT1 and LT2 - not completed.
- Estates costs for replacing room information screens - not completed.
- Request for streaming/recording from one of the surgical theatres (possibly) - not completed.
- Request for new cameras for Langhill Farm (possibly) - not completed.
- Removal of AV equipment and furniture from Chancellor's Building Elsie Inglis lab due to it being changed into office space.
- Removal of AV equipment from Chancellor's Building seminar room 1 due to it being changed into office space.
- Minor fabric work for FU305 carried out.
- Estates costs to allow Chancellor's Building lecture theatres to be upgraded with last year's equipment.
- Estates costs associated with the room booking screen changes made last year.
- SU209 replacement camera purchased.
- VR software trial for simulation evaluation purchased.
- New exam separator boards for microlabs 1 and 2 purchased.
- F3403 in RIE - not completed.
- Replacement touchscreen styluses for all rooms in Chancellor's Building - not completed.
- Simman Essential license upgrade - not completed.
Central Area:
- Anatomy Lab received full upgrades, both in the main space and masters area.
- Dermatology Consulting Room E (4 103) received AV upgrade, however network installation is still required.
- 3 x Mackenzie Medical Practice rooms received full upgrades.
- Greenfield Suite exam separator boards for main lab and small lab purchased.
- New Dermatology hub at Lauriston (possibly) - not completed.
Outstanding Issues
The recoding of control panels in Vet School room will be completed when the rooms are upgraded in 2023/24, as this will mean we don't need to pay for recoding twice in quick succession. The esates work required for replacing the room information screens was raised through the estates helpdesk, however the work will be funded through the 2023/24 budget. The Vet School requests received later in the year for streaming/recording from one of the surgical theatres and new cameras for Langhill Farm couldn't be carried out due to the limited funds and timeframes. These will be reviewed as part of the 2023/24 upgrades.
All of the equipment for room F3403 in RIE was purchased and delivered, however before it could be installed, the usage of the room was temporarily changed by the department. The replacement touchscreen styluses for all rooms in the Chancellor's Building could no longer be sourced from the UK, so we will investigate whether there are any possible alternatives. Due to the age of the manikin and the lack of available support from the manufacturer, we were unable to upgrade its license. It will therefore continue to be used with the legacy software until it fails or a replacement manikin is purchased.
The new network ports for Dermatology Consulting Room E were not installed, so this will be handled as part of the 2023/24 upgrades. The new Dermatology learning hub in Lauriston was put on hold by the NHS, so this will be reviewed once their project starts back up.