
Work/Task Breakdown

Planning Project Brief   Project Manager 
3 Point Estimate Project Team
Milestones/Project Timeline Project Team 
Inform Stakeholders and reach out to possible SME members  Project Sponsor & Project Manager
Planning Sign-off Project Team
Execution - Phase 1 (discovery)  Define Mandatory IT Training for both UoE and Framework Researchers CMVM Leads
Define Key contacts (for researchers to contact) CMVM Leads
Review the University Policies that impact the FW/NHS LHB CMVM Leads
Review the IT Requirements in the current NHS LHB that impact the Framework  Anthony Davie
SME prep for workshop meetings  SMEs (goverance)
SME prep for workshop meetings  SMEs (practical) 
Conduct SME Discovery workshops SMEs (goverance)
Conduct SME Discovery workshops SMEs (practical) 
Establish SME meetings for discovery conversations   Project Team 
Conduct SME Discovery workshops Project Team 
Gather and structure SME discovery content for SharePoint structure and content addition  CMVM Leads
Identify Owner of Site/Pages/Content  CMVM Leads
Create and maintain the Communication Plan Project Manager 
Execution - Phase 2 (first version output)  Create framework joint-research project process flow, with key IT decision points (V1) CMVM Leads
V1 SharePoint Architecture  CMVM IT? 
Permissions and User setting analysis and confirmation  CMVM Leads
Content owner identification and confirmation  CMVM Leads
Identify the IT tools and services that can and cannot be recommended for use  CMVM Leads
Collate IT guidance that can be used for UoE IT/IS services, and the associated costs CMVM Leads
SMEs to provide feedback to Project Team SMEs
Collect Feedback from SMEs on V1 Project Team 
Execution - Phase 3 (second version output)  Refine framework joint-research project process flow, with key IT decision points (V2) CMVM Leads
V2 SharePoint Architecture  CMVM Leads
Confirm the IT guidance and populate it in the SharePoint site  CMVM Leads
SMEs to provide feedback to Project Team SMEs
Collect Feedback from SMEs on V2 Project Team 
Establish and test user feedback loop on SharePoint site  CMVM Leads
Establish BAU analysis process for user feedback and site visits to be conducted at regular intervals to agreed Owners and Informed Area Experts identified.  Project Team 
Execution - Phase 4 (user testing) Final SharePoint Version Tested  SMEs
SME user feedback  SMEs
Collate SME user feedback  Project Team 
Content Owner meetings to prep for handover  CMVM Leads
Establish foundation process for reviewing the Framework Agreement at regular intervals.  CMVM Leads
Delivery - Resource Go-Live Final SharePoint Version Published  CMVM Leads
Communications sent out to user groups and newsletter published with key links and information  Project Team 
Handover - Support and Documentation  Content Owner given full handover of the SharePoint site and responsibilities  CMVM Leads
Q&A process for help made clear to the users and agreed by those in charge (not UniDesk? the Data Managers?) CMVM Leads
All analysis processes signed off by project team and owners  CMVM Leads
Closure Closure Report Project Manager 
Review of Closure Report CMVM Leads
Closure Meeting (release of resource)  Project Team 


Resources, Skills and Costs

This project will consist of resource provided by both the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine (CMVM) and Project Services, ISG. The Project Sponsor has gathered resource in Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) across the college to provide insight and expertise for discovery workshops that will allow the project team to map the IT requirements for the key project deliverable - the SharePoint site in Objective 1. The Project Manager will provide not only key skills in managing time and communication across the project, but also Business Analysis skills in conducting and leading the discovery workshops. The Project Sponsor, as Head of IT for CMVM, and our Business Lead, as Deputy Head of IT and IS Campus Leader, will be the key resource in building, testing, and signing off on the final project deliverable. 

This project is not anticipating the requesting resource from ISG Application teams. 

There is no additional costs associated with the project outside of the ring-fenced agreed (core) budget. 

Effort Chargeable to the Project - 40 days (3 day contingency inclusive) 

  • Project Manager (37 days planned)
  • Programme Manager (3 days planned) 

Effort Not Chargeable to the Project - 66 days (3 day contingency inclusive) 

  • CMVM Leads, including Project Sponsor (55 days planned)
  • SMEs (11 days planned)


Project Governance

The Project Team will meet weekly to review progress in relation to the project plan, work schedule, and key milestones. The Project Manager (PM) and Project Sponsor (PS) will meet once a month to review Project Risks and Issues, though the PM will regularly log any issue, decision, or risk in the project logs. Any issues or risks forecasted to impact the project timeline, budget, or scope will be escalated to the PS.  The full development of the SharePoint site (O1) lies within CMVM, and there is no requirement for involvement from the SharePoint Team or Software Development within IS Apps. If issues arise that impact this area, our informed stakeholder representing IS Apps will be consulted, though this is not anticipated. 

Project Team meetings will take place online via MS Teams, which will also be the main repository of project documentation throughout the project lifecycle. The PS will be responsible for signing off on all key project deliverables, as well as disseminating key information upward to relevant users/stakeholders to the project. The PM will create and maintain the communication plan to assist the PS in drafting and sending communications.  The PS will also be expected to sign off on all Major Milestones, or changes to the project scope, time, or cost, or assign a Proxy to do this on their behalf (formally written and communicated to the PM and Programme Manager ahead of time). 

Project Stakeholders

Name Business Area Role Communication Plan   
Alan Donald ISG/Apps Project Services Senior Project and Programme Manager (Project Team from July 2024)



Alexandra Mezeul ISG/Apps Project Services Project Manager and Business Analyst (Project Team)



Alistair Fenemore CISO Office Chief Information Security Officer



Anthony Davie Operational Services IS Campus Leader & Deputy Head of IT, CMVM (Project Team - Business Lead)      



Colin Simpson Roslin Institute Data Project Officer



Fiona Strachan Usher Institute IHDP Chief Operating Officer (SME)



Gabriela Vieira Centre for Cardiovascular Science CMVM Data Manager (SME)



Graham Ayres Legal Services Solicitor



Jamie McQueen Institute for Regeneration and Repair IRR Data Manager (SME)



Jennifer Cusiter College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine Head of College Research Office



Jens Brincker Operational Services - BioQuarter and Central       IS Campus Leader



John Allison ISG Apps Development Services Development Team Manager



Juliet Cavanagh Corporate Office Information Governance Project Officer



Kenton D'Mellow Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit Data Management & Programming Team Lead (SME)



Marise Bucukoglu       Clinical Research Governance Head of Research Governance



Mark Hay USD Directors Office Head of IT, CMVM (Project Team - Project Sponsor & Technical Lead)



Muriel Mewissen ISG/Apps Project Services Senior PMO Analyst, Engagement (Project Team until July 2024)



Rowena Lamb Edinburgh Research Office Head of Research Governance, Compliance & Risk



Steve Fox MRC University Unit for Human Genetics CMVM Data Manager (SME)  


Tony Weir ISG - ITI Directors Office Director of Information Technology Infrastructure - ITI



Viraj Alawa Usher Institute Data Manager (SME)




Project Estimations 


Project Info

IT Implementation of the NHS Lothian Health Board Framework Agreement
MVM Research (MVMRES)
Management Office
Project Manager
Alexandra Mezeul
Project Sponsor
Mark Hay
Current Stage
In Progress
Project Classification
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Programme Priority
Overall Priority

