Our existing approach to student number planning and fee income forecasting is both piecemeal and not fit for purpose, yet this is an area of planning which is strategically critical to the university. The existing tool (diagonal tables) which is used centrally, is not much used in Colleges/Schools, and other strategic modelling is carried out in GaSP but not made generally available. A more sophisticated and integrated BI/MI approach would allow us the opportunity to model more flexibly (at either granular or high level), and provide customised outputs. The drivers for a new approach are many, and include: • A cultural shift in the way we think about planning, with the size and shape project mapping out a direction of travel; • A need for more detailed and accurate planning and forecasting at all levels is driven by both capacity issues (estates and teaching staff) and the cultural change for better financial and non-financial information; • A need for improved scenario modelling (e.g. supporting recruitment planning decisions in SRSG, school planning, size and shape type conversations) • Developments from initiatives such as EFI and Bayes which are opening up new models of teaching that don’t fit easily into our standard model; • SEP SR&A now moving to look at the recruitment and admissions project; • A recruitment agenda of inclusivity and diversity, and a desire to move from accepting the mix of students who are admitted, to specifying the mix; • A desire to make a cultural change in the ownership of targets and the responsibility for meeting them; • The availability of technological solutions and with it the expectation of more sophisticated and customisable approaches.

Project Info

New approach to student number planning and tuition fee income forecasting
Project Manager
Helen Stocks
Project Sponsor
Tracey Slaven
Current Stage
Not Started
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Overall Priority


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