Closure Report

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For staff in Information Services Group (ISG), please click here for guidance on how to complete the Closure Report following ISG guidelines.

Project Summary

Staff in Project Services, particularly new starters, can sometimes struggle to locate all of the information/guidance they need to settle into the team and effectively deliver their projects. Some information is on SharePoint, some is on the Wiki, some elsewhere. As a result, a central information  signpost has been created to direct people to the most useful information for their role. 

Objectives and Deliverables Achieved  

No.        Description Priority (MoSCoW)   Objective/Deliverable Met? (Yes / No) Comments 

Obj 1

Provide a central signpost on SharePoint with the useful links        Must have  Yes None 
Del 1  Design and create a survey to gather users input on useful guidance   Must have Yes None 
Del 2 Collect existing links relating to  survey answers and other helpful guidance tools   Must have Yes None 
Del 3 Label information in Alphabetical order Should have Yes None 
Del 4 Provide any visuals Could have  Yes None 
Obj 2 Record old links (past 5 years) and/ or broken links Must have Yes None 
Del 5 Produce document with all old links Should have Yes  None 
Del 6 Report old links to Project Sponsor Must have  Yes  None
Obj 3 Allow access to all New Starters Must have  Yes  None 
Del 7 Email staff to incorporate into induction Should have  Yes  Changed from email staff to email all in Project Services


Analysis of Resource Usage:

Staff Usage Estimate: 10 days

Staff Usage Actual:  7.52 days

Other Resource Estimate: £0

Other Resource Actual: £0

Other Resource Variance: 0%

Explanation for Variance

The project experience variance because the project went to plan and was done in a timely manner. As an outcome the project took fewer days to complete than expected. 


The project was set out to create a central point of information where new starters can come to when needing guidance for their role. The project delivered just that through the creation of an organised central information signpost that people can come to on SharePoint to find the links and guidance that they need. Additionally, old links (past 5 years) were documented and delivered to the project sponsor. 

Final product now live on SharePoint:  Tools and Resources (

Key Learning Points

There were many lessons learned from the project including:

  • Making sure that you give yourself extra time to finish tasks, because there will be other projects that will be going on simultaneously.
  • Maintain regular weekly meetings with the project sponsor to get the guidance on the task and to see if you are on the right track.
  • Don't be afraid to ask questions. It's better to ask questions that to have to redo/correction the project.

Outstanding Issues

Removal out of date date or broken links , owner is Dawn Holmes 

Project Info

Information Signposting
Project Management Office (PMO)
Project Manager
Rachel Miya Malouf
Project Sponsor
Dawn Holmes
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Overall Priority

