Project journal

Title Description Author Post date
Live deployment successfully completed

Issues encountered with the Live deployment were resolved by close of Friday 14th Dec.

The Test deployment could not be completed last week, because the HR system was unavailable as it was being re-cloned from Live.

When HR Test becomes available following the completion of the cloning process, the deployment issues will also be resolved in Test.

Jill Nicoll 17-Dec-2012
UAT testing of HR changes signed off in Beta environment

Jira calls 1, 2 and 3 returned to PM with UAT sign-off to deploy changes to the TEST environment.


Jill Nicoll 07-Dec-2012
HR changes released for UAT

The items to be tested are:

  1.  FTC Flag - exists, but set to null for all records

  2.  FTC start and end date - changes rolled back, so affiliation start and end dates should operate as they did before the changes were applied.

  3.  Retirement date - now set to null for all records 

  4.  Employee start date - now being set according to the revised priorities


A Jira log has been set up for the project, at

Jill Nicoll 26-Nov-2012
Progress Update for w/c 15 Oct 2012

Design spec complete by Config Team, and development started.

UAT to start on 22 Oct.

Adam Wadee 17-Oct-2012