Work/Task Breakdown
** Planned Project Timelines **
** Budget **
Resources Skills and Cost
Effort - ITI estimated effort is in the range 120 - 170 days : Currntn Plan estimated at 145 days.
Note : Plan requires dedicated Development Time from key staff. Jan is assigned on the assumption of 50% allocation for May-July, with a 100% allocation first week of June Nick is allocated on the assumption of 70% allocation for June-July, and 50% allocation August-November.
80K for cloud 30K for consultancy 370K for GPGPU – targeted machine learning 150K for Eddie
Tolerances for cost/timeline/scope beyond which point the Project Manager must request approval of the change from the Sponsor and / or the Board have been agreed with Sponsor. TBC
The milestones are a key tool in ensuring that the project process itself is followed as set out by ITI, and that the product deliverables are to the required Quality.
Milestone | Sign-Off means | Who signs-off Quality |
Start of Project | Project can begin, is in line with Programme and Portfolio priority, has resource | Tony Maurice |
End of Planning | Project Brief, Plan, Estimated Budget, Risks - all approved. Project has resource approved by section head for the estimated effort. Project has funding for effort for other costs. | Tony Maurice Orlando |
End of Design | quality of design | Orlando |
End of Build | quality of build | Orlando |
Acceptance | quality of deliverable | Orlando User TBC
Security | deliverable satisifies security | Section Head - Orlando |
Delivery | Change to Service can proceed | Tony
Maurice Orlando
Handover to Support | support can take over running of the Service | TBC |
Closure | Project Can close | Tony Maurice |
The project manager will ensure that the project team will review the risk log at every team meeting, and project owners update their risks at least once a month or more as appropriate to the project.
Communcation Plans will be available on the ITI Sharepoint space.
Project Sponsor and manager meetings have been agreed with Sponsor. Project Team meetings (and with project sponsor) have been agreed with Sponsor.