To deliver small-scale enhancements to the EUCLID student record system application (Externally driven by statutory requirements) This will be delivered in multiple phases , each phase will have its own business requirements document (BRD) written by SACS Registry, IS Apps will deliver SITS configuration to meet the business requirements
Each Enhancement will be coded "E#" and will be given it 's own project container at a sub-project level to record individual milestones and RAG status
For E2 - UKBA - Length of Tier4 Study in UK see For E3 - Changes to Fee Algorithm see
Two other enhancements have been looked at and time spent on business analysis but these have resulted in no Project development work
E4 - Fixed Fees Investigation - All work in 13/14 E5 - Producing CAS records for Unconditional Offers - A unidesk call carried out by suppoer
Current project status
Report Date | RAG | Budget | Effort Completed | Effort to complete |
July 2013 | GREEN | 43.0 days | 35.0 days | 0.0 |