Completion Report

Project Summary:

Deliverables Achieved and Project Sponsor Sign Off

Were the project goals met? Yes - 2 phases of work delivered and 2 business analysis completed Were the project deliverables fully or partially accomplished? Yes - fully met


E2 - UKBA - Length of Tier4 Study in UK went LIVE on 6-Nov-2012DoneNov 12
E3 - Changes to the Fee calculation for Dual NationalityDoneMarch 131

E4 Fixed Fees Investigation - Business Analysis only

DoneBuild Work to be progressed in 13/14

E5- Producing CAS Records for Unconditional Offers- Business Analysis only

DoneBuild Work to be progressed in 13/14

Did the project deliver a solution to the problems being addressed?  Yes Does the Project Sponsor agree that this project can be closed at this time? Yes

Cost Summary
Staff Resources Estimated on Project Brief (Days)53 days IS Apps resource (for 2 phases)
Actual Staff Resources Used (% Variance)36 days IS Apps resource (-32%) - 1 additional phase added (and 1 removed E1 Vulnerable Adults ) , and budget decreased with agreement of SACS and IS Apps
Other Resources Estimated on Project Brief (Money)N/A
Actual Other Resources Used (%Variance)N/A
Planned Delivery Date from Project BriefMultiple delivery dates for each phase, project to close by end of July 2013
Actual Delivery DateMultiple delivery dates for each phase

Project Manager's Commentary on Reasons For Variance From Plans For most projects the Project Brief should provide a reasonably accurate and detailed estimate of the staff and non staff costs for the project. Project Management research suggests that the actual resources used should typically be within 20% of this figure. The Project Manager should identify any events which required resource or schedule changes for the project.

Delivered under agreed budget .

Key Learning Points

Consider in particular:

1. What went well?

SACS produced detailed BRDs and managed the projects as part of the new SSP team.

2. What didn't go so well?


3. If you had a project like this again, what would you improve?

Ensure there is a queue of BRDs available so that the work can be smoothed throughout the year.


Outstanding Issues

Identify and problems or work that will have to be done following project closure.


Review Contributors

List all contributors to the review, their role and relationship to the project and the date of their contribution.

Ruth McCallum , Project Manager, SACS, 5/8/13

Karen Osterburg, SACS, 5/8/13

Franck Bergeret, SSP Programme Manager, 5/8/13

Defeng Ma, IS Apps Config team, SSP, 5/8/13



Analysis of Resource Usage:

Staff Usage Estimate: 53 days

Staff Usage Actual: 36 days

Staff Usage Variance: -32%

Other Resource Estimate: 0 days

Other Resource Actual: 0 days

Other Resource Variance: 0%

Explanation for variance:

Key Learning Points:

Outstanding issues:

Project Info

EUCLID Small-scale Statutory Changes
Student Systems Partnership SSP
Project Manager
Ruth McCallum
Project Sponsor
Karen Osterburg
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Overall Priority

