The purpose of the project is to carry out a review across the colleges of the UCAS/GTTR Admissions Processes with a view to moving the process to being as paperless as possible. The main driver for the project is the requirement for the admissions process to carry on once UCAS has withdrawn the paper form which is currently send to the unveristy for every application it recieves. Alongside this the requirement is to move admissions processing back into EUCLID and away from external databases, spreadsheets and paper based systems so that EUCLID hold the complete admissions record for any given application.
The project has been alliocated a budget within the programme and the intention is to use this to deliver as many of the requirements as possible from the priortises list collated from the review. The scope covers all of the UCAS/GTTR admissions process against the university with the acknolesdgement the long-term aim of the re-using the deliverables within the other admissions areas.
The identified deliverables are:
1) Review held by an external facilitator including all staff involved in this process and the SACS business analyst and the IS technical lead. 2) Identification of Business Process changes (non IS) 3) Identification of system changes required to improve the processes both inside and outside of EUCLID 4) Prioritised and estimated list of system changes - prioritised by a representative user group from across the colleges.+ 5) Agile Process process delivering as many changes as possible for the allocated resources. 6) Ideally mutilpe releases to Live of changes.
This project has a sub-project to deliver 4 user stories for business intelligence (BOXI). This is covered in sub-project SAC005 - BOXI User Stories.
Current project status
Report Date | RAG | Budget | Effort Completed | Effort to complete |
December 2013 | BLUE | 198.0 days | 198.0 days | 0.0 |