Project Description

In 2012 the University set out its strategic plan for 2012-2016,with one of of the key themes being 'Equality and Widening Participation'. The Strategic Plan sets out clearly the Objectives and Strategies encompassed in this strageic theme. Against this background, the University have entered Outcome Agreements with the Scottish Funding Council formalising KPI's and outcomes for widening participation. The University has a long history of programmes to encourage wideing participation (e.g. LEAPS, SWAP East, Summer Schools, OLL), along with funding/bursary provision (Accommodation bursaries/scholarships etc).

Echoeing the Principals statement in the Introduction to the Strategic Plan 'With widening participation at the heart of our agenda', this project aims to bring together all the 'Widening Participation' markers applicants/students may have, and to ensure that these markers are accurately recorded, timeously presented (i.e. during admissions) and available for operational and strategic analysis


The project consists of 4 Phases:

Phase 1) SIMD in Admissions: (This is managed within this website delivered in Oct 2012)

  • UCAS/GTTR Admissions staff must be clearly presented with a Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) data field in the relevant Application Decision Entry (ACD) screens in EUCLID/Boxi Reports to allow staff to view the SIMD quintile value for all Scottish domiciled UCAS/GTTR applicants to the University for the 2013/14 academic year onwards. All applications to be stamped with a SIMD Quintile based on the 2009 dataset.

Phase 2) SIMD 2012 upgrade:

  • Upgrade of  the SIMD datset to the Scottish Governments release of the 2012 dataset and provision for quarterly postcode updates to the dataset.

Phase 3) Bursaries and RUK HEBBS Upload:

  • Provision to allow for multiple Bursaries types to be stored and viewed against a Student in the Student Hub, and to be able to categorise these bursaries into 'Access, Accommodation and  RUK Bursary' groupings.
  • Provision to allow SSFS staff to upload RUK Bursary data using the SITS HEBBS upload procedure.
  • Updating of BOXI reporting to take into account multiple bursary types and SIMD

Phase 4) Entry Markers:

  • Provision of a ‘Target School’ marker to identify if a Low Performing School is targeted by a SFC regional program to improve progression rates (e.g. SHEP SE).
  • Provision of a field on the ACD screens, and the relevant BOXI reports, to highlight if an applicant attended a ‘Target School’.
  • Provision of data validation logic to ensure that when Widening Participation or Pathways Tags are updated for an application, all other applications for that UCAS cycle for that applicant are updated accordingly.
  • Automatic tagging of the Widening Participation Tag for LEAPS Group 1, Credit for Entry, UoE\Stevenson Part Time Access Course, SWAP East and SWAP West markers.
  • Provision of data exception scripts to identify data anomalies and inconsistencies.
  • Provision of primary keys in ADMISMI and STUDMI to allow for full lifecycle reporting of a student from application to completion.



The following is not in scope for this project:

Wholescale redevelopment of Bursary and Scholarship Funding processes to incorporate the FND module in SITS. THis is a seperate proejct that was bourne out of the identification that Application and Bursary assessment processes where misaligned due to the fact they using different systems when viewing contextual data,  and for their to be an fully linked up approach to widening partcipation, EUCLID should be the golden copy when making both Admissions and Funding decisions.


Current project status

Report Date RAG Budget Effort Completed Effort to complete
November 2013 BLUE 100.0 days 101.5 days 0.0

Project Info

SFC Outcome Agreements & Strategic Plan Widening Participation
Student Systems Partnership SSP
Project Manager
Duncan Scott
Project Sponsor
Rebecca Gaukroger
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date


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