The project is needed to meet the requirement by UKVI to be able to report on engagement for all Tier 4 Students by September 2014. No centralised area exists for this engagement to be reported on so it makes it impossible to look centrally and see across all schools any issues with engagement. The university is compliant with the short term requirement and long-term we have system that can be extended to all students.
The project delivered a mechanism for recording key engagements with Tier 4 international students to meet UKVI compliance from September 2014. These engagements are recorded in EUCLID by school administrators and ideally academics. Engagement points are determined by the University's Tier 4 Compliance Working Group. The deliverables are:
- Exposure of engagement points from other sources within EUCLID
- Bulk creation of engagement points within EUCLID
- Auto-scheduling of engagement points per student within EUCLID
- Facility for administrators / academics to record engagements within EUCLID
- Upload of engagement points from spreadsheets into EUCLID from an external source
Link to in year proposal
A new scope has now been added to this project and was delivered in March 2015 : Export/Import Tutorial groups. It will provide Schools with facility to store and report on student attendance and engagement activity for all tutorials.
Current project status
Report Date | RAG | Budget | Effort Completed | Effort to complete |
July 2015 | BLUE | 139.0 days | 155.0 days | 2.0 |