
Work/Task Breakdown


The project team is using continuous improvement techniques to ensure an efficient flow of work is maintained and that there is an open, positive and collaborative culture.

This is being supported by establishing a tailored workflow with standardised ways of working and the use of visual management tools.  The tailored workflow includes a new definition of when work is considered complete, ensuring full implementation responsibilities are done before anything goes live.

This includes approval from the operations team, updates to guidance, communication and training, and anything else required to prepare users for change. The project team set objectives, track performance and review and improve on a daily basis.






Project Management

Project authorisation, Planning and Project documents. Monthly status report with stakeholders. 

Manage project, sign off, changes, resources, and budget.

Project Manager

Analyse it

Prioritised issues and improvements are broken down into smaller requirements that are analysed and validated with users as required. They are then estimated with developers.

Business Analyst

Business Lead, SSP Dev

Design It Design solutions as required and if needed validates with senior developers SSP Dev lead
Build It

 Build solution and peer review





Function testing SSP Tester

Implement it

(document & handover)

Policy changes (as required) Business Analyst
Prepare new or updated Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and online user guidance Business Analyst
Prepare and deliver training (as required) Trainer and Business Analyst
Deploy It Deploy solution, consistent fortnightly release SSP Dev, IS Production
Check solution in pre-live environment Business lead
Handover SOP Business Analyst
Communicate it

Fortnightly release information is communicated to users via the project SharePoint site.

The site holds project information and updates in one central place including regular project news and clear, transparent information on what we’re working on, what has been delivered, and the outcome of user group meetings. 

Regular communication is done face to face with the user group to inform of recent development and ensures changes in progress will delivered value. It encourages a positive and open relationship across the user community, allows an opportunity for new ideas, suggestions and concerns to be raised, and a chance to share best practice.

Business Analyst
Close it Benefit measurement – assess key processes against established baselines Business Analyst
Close project Project Manager

Resources, Skills and Costs

SSP IS Apps (Developers: 1.6 FTE), IS production and Project Services: the budget for 19/20 has been estimated at 350 days

Additional effort from SSP 2 business analysts (1.6 FTE), tester and trainer- 426 days

Additional effort from student systems operations (business lead, IS senior user) are also required.


Project Governance

  • New steering group established, to meet once per semester

Membership: Lisa Dawson (Student Systems & Administration), Lisa Kendall (CAHSS), Philipa Burrell (CMVM), Claire Vallance (CSE), Adam Bunni (Academic Services), Catriona Morley (ECA), Jennifer Hill (Medical School), Gillian Bell (Informatics), Richard Arkless (SSP project team), Lillie McEnteer (SSP project team), Franck Bergeret (SSP project team)

  • User group with representation from 17 schools, meeting every two weeks (LINK to user group information)


Project Stakeholders

Name Business Area Role
Brandi Headon Head of Student Systems Operations Student records owner
Dan Entwistle SSP Developer Developer (project team)
Defeng Ma SSP senior developer Team Leader Dev
Franck Bergeret SSP programme manager, IS Project Services Project Manager (project team)
Iain Fiddes IS Development Services senior management SSP Senior Supplier
Jon Taylor SSP trainer Trainer
Lillie McEnteer Business Analyst SSP Business Analyst (project team)
Lisa Dawson Student Systems Director Programme owner and steering group member
Lizzie Beattie Team leader, Student Systems Operations Senior Student Records Officer and business lead on project (project team)
Luke Manley SSP tester Tester (project team)
Richard Arkless Senior Business Analyst SSP Senior Business Analyst and product owner (project team)
Ryan Stewart SSP Developer Lead Developer (project team)
Sabine Rolle Senior lecturer, LLC School- Dean of undergraduate education, CAHSS   Chair steering group
Suran Perera/Douglas Adamson     IS Production IS production team leader & coordinator


Project Estimations

N/A as the allocated resource should meet the required effort to deliver the objectives


Project Info

Assessment and Progression 4
Student Systems Partnership SSP
Management Office
Project Manager
Franck Bergeret
Project Sponsor
Lisa Dawson
Current Stage
Project Classification
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Programme Priority
Overall Priority