

Following the successful Assessment and Progression Tools (APT) and Direct Admissions approach to continuously improve key EUCLID services, further USG funding has been secured to address existing known issues on the Euclid Student Records system. 

As a result a  product backlog has been drafted. A first prioritisation has been completed  based on expected benefits,  with compliance work also added see backlog link 1st draft https://secure.projects.ed.ac.uk/project/sac084/page

As a result of Covid19, ART stream has highlighted changes to support students' administrative tasks at start of term. 


This project will address

  • ART work to support students' administrative tasks at start of term
  • prioritised compliance requirements and
  • prioritised discretionary enhancements raised in the product backlog. 

The enhancements should also include the changes being raised by the Tribal software or the technical debts. Same as the enhancements, the impact of not doing them (either as a cost or a risk) and the benefits (in terms of efficiency) will be articulated so that the priority can be set.

The priority is based on benefits to be realised, though there will be a balance between

  • the product backlog enhancements delivering high benefit  and being discretianary work, and
  • the requirements that need to be implemented at certain time of the life cycle (start of term, exam boards...) and for compliance statutory returns purpose (like Hesa change). The compliance work will have to be prioritised over the discretionary enhancements.

The project will follow the Assessment and Progression Tools APT continuous improvement approach that has been praised by schools: release based. Business analysts and Developement teams will work in tandem and aim for regular releases of changes to give  immediate benefits to users. The team will work closely with the Student Records team  in Operations so that there is a smooth handover of the changes ready to be supported once released. The team will continue engaging with users from central areas and schools as done with the APT user group   https://uoe.sharepoint.com/sites/AssessmentandProgressionTools/SitePages/User-Group.aspx

Out of scope


Objectives, deliverables, benefits, success criteria


This project has 4 objectives:




Success Criteria

O1.Address the backlog of issues and improvements prioritised in the product backlog by Student Systems Operations . The priorities may change throughout the year as agreed with Student Systems Operations, and Schools' user group in line with key deadlines (should)

O2. Support the emerging ART stream of work (must)

O3. Provide annual maintenance and support services during peak periods of the life cycle (must)

O4- Address compliance requirements (must)



  • Regular releases of improvements to EUCLID functionality (should)
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) with each release (should)
  • Communication to users, with updated user guidance (should)
  • O4 relates to requirements to capture data for HESA statutory returns (enhancement to Annual Registration process)  and Widening Participation contextual checker existing process (must)

Addressing key issues will:

  • Provide clearer information for students and staff. This would be achieved by applying UX principles as done on Annual registration and ESC projects
  • Enhance data quality and accuracy 
  • Reduce risks of errors and delays 
  • Reduce support calls
  • Reduce manual processing time
  • Ensure Business as Usual service is run smoothly 
  • Meet the HESA  statutory returns  

Benefit assessment

  • Demonstrable impact in reducing the number of calls to Student Systems Operations
  • Measurable improvements to the user experience (e.g. reduction in processing time, fewer delays in processing, usability/easier to use system)
  • Compliance work is addressed within the speficied timeline

The new approach (product backlog benefit led, release based, user engagement) enables continuous improvements to be prioritised and implemented. It provides a business case for further funding at the end of this project. 



Project Milestones

Based on the funding available, it is expected the project will last 18 months, closure milestone set accordingly.

The project will start by addressing 

  • prioritised work emerging from ART's stream 'transitioning to University of Edinburgh' -support the arrival of student at start of term. Note that the ART Annual Registration changes re location of  study have been done as part of the SAC078 project. Next are the Self Service and Reporting requirements required for end Aug
  • the widening participation (WP) changes required yearly for the start of term


At the end of planning the known milestones are:

  • End of planning- brief completed July 2020
  • ART Self Service and BI changes Aug 2020
  • Widening Particpation changes for SRA Sep 2020
  • Review of the backlog priority and benefits  Sep 2020: will inform the next milestones
  • Closure Feb 2022

Project Info

Student Record Enhancement
Student Systems Partnership SSP
Management Office
Project Manager
Franck Bergeret
Project Sponsor
Lizzie Beattie
Current Stage
Project Classification
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Programme Priority
Overall Priority