
In line with the University of Edinburgh’s Climate Strategy commitments, the SLSG and associated laboratories and building staff shall work to reduce carbon emissions from utilities and waste arising from laboratories.


This project consists of a number of activities aimed reduce carbon emissions arising from energy consumption, water consumption and waste production within laboratories and associated buildings. Many of the activities will be ongoing throughout the 2017-2020 period. Those that are time-bound will be noted as such.


  • Reduce energy consumption associated with lab ventilation (room air and fume cupboards)
  • Reduce energy consumption associated with lab equipment and cold storage
  • Reduce energy consumption associated with building services (general area HVAC and lighting)
  • Reduce water consumption and waste arising from laboratories
  • Motivate building users, managers and Schools through metering and targeting
  • Develop guidelines for sustainable lab building/refurbishment which are adopted and used.
  • Encourage uptake of the Sustainable Campus Fund (or other appropriate funding sources)


  • Undertake energy audits at key locations
  • Development of projects to reduce energy consumption of fume cupboards and lab ventilation
  • Development of projects to reduce energy consumption of lab equipment
  • Development of projects to reduce energy consumption of building services
  • Development of projects to reduce water consumption and waste arising from laboratories
  • Support opportunities for re-use or re-sale of lab equipment
  • Development of School plans include targets for sustainability improvements aligned with ‘Zero by 2040’
  • Development of “Delivering Sustainable Labs” building and refurbishment guidance document

Success Criteria

  • Implementation of projects to reduce energy consumption of fume cupboards and lab ventilation
  • Implementation of projects to reduce energy consumption of lab equipment
  • Implementation of projects to reduce energy consumption of building services
  • Implementation of projects to reduce water consumption and waste arising from laboratories
  • Publication and implementation of School plans include targets for sustainability improvements aligned with ‘Zero by 2040’
  • Publication and use of “Delivering Sustainable Labs” building and refurbishment guidance document

Resources, Skills and Cost

  • Andrew Arnott staff time
  • Staff time of SLSG members
  • Staff time of key contacts in Schools (or Colleges)
  • Staff time of key contacts in various labs
  • Staff time of key individuals within Corporate Services (Estates, Procurement, Health and Safety)

Project Stakeholders

High influence, high interest:

  • SLSG members
  • Lab users (technical and academic)
  • Building managers in lab buildings
  • Energy Office staff
  • Estates development staff

High influence, low interest:

  • Waste Office staff
  • Procurement staff
  • Health and Safety staff

High interest, low influence:

  • Interested academics and students

Low interest, low influence:

  • General staff and student community

Current project status

Report Date RAG Budget Effort Completed Effort to complete
August 2020 GREEN 0.0 days 0.0 days 0.0

Project Info

SLB2 Utilities, Waste and Carbon Saving
SRS - Sustainable Laboratories (SLB)
Project Manager
Andrew Arnott
Project Sponsor
Michelle Brown
Current Stage
In Progress
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Overall Priority


Not available.

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