
Priority and Funding

This project is a priority 2 core funded project.


Impact and Dependencies

There is a dependency of an external supplier - TopDesk to provide support for the upgrade.

There is a dependency on the environment and Unidesk being upgraded for at least one institution before the Quick Calls component can be properly developed.

There is a dependency on Service Excellence delivering their API  before the barcode look up feature for Quick Calls can be fully developed


Project Risks


1 Risk that putting Shibboleth authentication onto Django infrastructure could result in extra time and budget required GREEN
2 Risk that Ulster will not be able to upgrade AMBER
3 Risk that institutions are not not able to deploy within the given timeframe AMBER
4 Risk that UAT carried out during December has the potential to over-run GREEN
5 Risk that using TestRail to manage UAT may result in a learning curve for everyone GREEN
6 "Encryption at Rest" risk on database GREEN
7 Risk that Quick Calls delayed as has a dependency on barcode API being developed. AMBER
8 Risk that Unidesk upgrade will not do what its users need GREEN