Report for August 2018

Report Date
August 2018

Achievements in Last Period

  • JIRAs for QuickCalls deployed to LIVE
  • Transfer agreed with Production and Service Management for remaining JIRAs to move to support and the API project
  • Closure report re-submitted for approval



  • JIRA 99 has just been re-opened as Durham have reported a bug (04/09/18). Durham have a different way of logging "Priority" and as such they are the only institution with this specific error.  Error fixed and deployed to TEST (05/09/18) tested and passed. As it's a live issue, it's been agreed that this can be deployed during the change freeze. This will be deployed on either 06/09/18 or 10/09/18. This has impacted the closure of the project and the closure date will have to be revised, PICCL to be raised at WIS on 07/10/18 requesting closure for 20/10/18.


Next Steps​

  • Fix QuickCalls bug for Durham
  • Project Closure agreed


Closure 31-Aug-2018
Project Status
RAG Status
RAG Commentary
Cost has exceeded the agreed budget of 345 days. This has been reviewed with Programme Owner who confirmed that budget is available to cover the extra days. Time is amber as new issue logged with QuickCalls. Referred back to developer to fix.
Change Status
Has formal escalation taken place?
Approved budget
345.0 days
Activity this month
5.0 days
Activity this year
5.0 days
Activity to date
364.0 days
Estimate to complete current year
0.0 days
Estimate to complete future years
0.0 days