
The purpose of this document is to set out the scope and purpose of a relationship and activities mapping exercise about to be undertaken by the University of Edinburgh. This document will be used to ensure there is shared understanding and agreement between all members of the community engagement programme group

Mapping purpose

The purpose of the mapping exercise is to establish a comprehensive picture of the University’s current community engagement relationships and activities. This mapping will be used to:

  • Establish relationships at institutional level where there is substantial level of activity
  • Enable the University to make sure it is giving partners what they need, when it can. For example, is school-University engagement helping schools to meet government priorities as much as it could?
  • Share examples of best practice with the University community and beyond, ensuring, in turn, that the engagement undertaken by University staff and students is always of the best possible quality
  • Raise the profile of the University’s community engagement work by identifying case studies and newsworthy activity
  • Coordinate activity, where there is overlap with partners or types of engagement, to minimise the organisational and administrative burden for external partners and University staff and students
  • Identify gaps in activity which could, if required, be addressed with targeted support
  • Identify obvious risks and mitigate them by, for example, offering advice or training
  • Contribute to statutory returns like REF and HE-BCI

Mapping scope

The aim is to map relationships between the University and the local Edinburgh area.

  • We are interested in all non-commercial relationships involving all parts of the University – academic and non-academic, staff and students.
  • Partners could be in the public, private or voluntary sectors, or could be individuals or community groups.
  • We are interested in the Edinburgh City Region: Fife; West Lothian; City of Edinburgh; Midlothian; East Lothian; Scottish Borders.
  • Relationships that have ended are of interest – it is helpful to understand historic links.


The final picture obtained through initial mapping will not be exhaustive, and it will quickly be out of date. The long-term aim is to build data gathering into systems like PURE and routine annual departmental and School reporting, as well as giving individuals the opportunity to provide an update (through example, through an online form) at any time.

Data fields

Specific information we plan to collect is:

  • University subject area(s) and school(s) involved
  • Name of external partner(s)
  • Location – postcode(s) – of activity
  • Contact name at partner
  • University relationship owner
  • Brief description of activity
  • Start date of activity
  • Links to websites, images, etc.
  • End date of activity
  • Personal or institutional relationship?

Current project status

Report Date RAG Budget Effort Completed Effort to complete
August 2020 RED 0.0 days 0.0 days 0.0

Project Info

Community Engagement Partnerships and Activities Mapping
SRS - Community Engagement (SRS)
Project Manager
Sarah Anderson
Project Sponsor
Michelle Brown
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Overall Priority


Not available.

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