

Priority and Funding

This project is Funded. The funding is currently capped at 100 days for IS Applications. The funding is split 80 days in 2012/ 2013 and 20 days 2013/ 2014 (however the 13/14 work is subject to agreement of the business case currently under consideration.)

The current forecast estimate to complete Phase 1 is 107 days (which includes time spent to date). The aim is to identify savings during the project to bring the project in on budget (e.g. reduced environment preparation time, project management time, etc.).   

Impact and Dependencies

In the longer term, the impact will be for all staff, who are authorised users of EUCLID, and students. The impact will be that they will be able to view collegues with whom they have an association.

For this delivery, phase 1, the impact will be for all staff, who are authorised users of EUCLID, who will be opted in to have their photograph displayed. Staff will be given the opportunity to opt out of having their photograph displayed to students. Students will be able to see photographs of staff whom they have an association with. Staff will continue to see card photos of their students.  


The expected limitations for Phase 1 delivery will be:

  • The proposed solution targets staff in the EUCLID population only - the scope is authorised users of EUCLID who have a photograph held in the Card Service database.
  • The proposed technical solution references photographs held on a server which mirrors the Card Services database - therefore, this project is dependent on current photos being held for all staff and students by Card Services. Where staff photos are not held by Card Services, the photographs will not be able to be displayed. For new staff/ students, there may be a short time lag between receipt of the photograph and its availability via the database.
  • Benefit realisation assumes students can recognise staff from their photograph. A potential limitation is the age of the photographs stored for staff members. Staff, whose Card Services image was provided more than 5 years ago will be offered the opportunity to renew their photo. This will be funded separately from the scope of this project.
  • Benefit realisation is dependent on staff choosing to opt in to display photographs - should a large number of staff choose to opt out, the value of this delivery is diminuished.


Phase 1 delivery is dependent on:

  • Upgrade of DEV and TEST EUCLID environments, and related software embargos
  • Card System Upgrade (potential timing conflict)
  • Senior Developer in Student Systems Partnership availability, although most development is likely to be outside of EUCLID


For the delivery of future phases, the following dependencies exist: (currently out of scope for this project)

  • Full delivery of student photos dependent on SSG007 group maintenance (to view others in personal tutorial groups) 
  • Full delivery of student photos is possibly dependent on Student Self Service (SAC007) phase 1.  The display of photos of fellow student could be through student self service (as this is the future way into EUCLID for students) or MyEd. There is currently no natural place for students to view photo in Personal Tutor IT Tools - e.g. no natural place for students to view other students on their year of programme/ course; future approach to be confirmed for Phase 2.

Project Info

ESS Photos (for students)
USG Portfolio Projects (OTHUSG)
Project Manager
Laura Bell
Project Sponsor
Ian Pirie
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date