AP12 040

The annual HESA and SFC returns are statutory and key to UoE obtaining funding from bodies such as SFC.

This project will incorporate Student Funding Council (SFC), Teaching Load (TL) and Student HESA Returns for 2011-12, all under AP12-040. STU211 will run from September 2011 until December 2012. (The OLL HESA Return will be handled by another project under AP12-038 OLL HESA 11-12 and will run for a much shorter time-scale.)

This Project has been allocated 80 days in annual planning to cover the Statutory Returns

The EUCLID Project implemented a HESA Return solution for 2009/10 and amended it though STU195 to meet new business and changed HESA requirements for 2010/11.  The majority of this solution was provided from standard SITS functionality.  The IS program supplied overrides and augments functionality that cannot be provided by SITS.  The resultant solution was designed to be robust and sustainable but will require year on year enhancements to meet changing business and HESA requirements.

2010/11 was the first year that Student Funding Council (SFC) and Teaching Load (TL) processing was provided as an integral part of a suite of programs run based on HESA processing  so that all returns are based on common data. As HESA, SFC and TL are now intrinsically linked any enhancements to meet new business requirements or changed SFC requirements will be covered by this project

Key milestones for this project are given below:


Nov 2011                                         Teaching Load 1 Dec  2011                                     SFC Early Stats 2011/2 (submitted 15/12/11) Feb 2012                                         Teaching Load 31 July 2012                                    SFC Final Figures 2011/2 July 2012                                         Teaching Load


Key milestones are:

May-July 2012                               C11051 Pre-collection validation system available 1 August 2012                               C11051 Data collection opens 15 Sept 2012                                 Return Date (latest date) 22 Sept 2012                                 Commit Date (latest date) 22 Sept - 31 Oct  2012                  Data Quality checking period (latest date) 31 Oct  2012                                  Sign Off (latest date) 31 Oct 2012                                   POPDLHE file available for DLHE (latest date) 31 Oct 2012                                   NSS files available (latest date)


N.B. this project was started before the move to the new projects website, so documentation is only shown from 6th August 2012.   Documentation prior to this can be found on the old site at http://www.projects.ed.ac.uk/areas/student/sacs/STU211/index.shtml


Project Info

HESA, SFC Statutory Returns and Teaching Load 2011-12
Student Systems Partnership SSP
Project Manager
Anne Mathison
Project Sponsor
Karen Osterburg
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Overall Priority


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