Week ending 28th September 2012 |
- Completion Report submitted to WIS
- Project closed
David Watters |
02-Oct-2012 |
Week ending 21st September 2012 |
- Completion report drafted and distributed to stakeholders for comment
- Report updated with stakeholder feedback
David Watters |
02-Oct-2012 |
Week ending 14th September 2012 |
PM on leave previous two weeks:
- DSOR convened and signed off by stakeholders
After return:
- DSOR submitted to WIS
- Script for XML 'apostrophe issue' deployed into LIVE
David Watters |
02-Oct-2012 |
Week ending 24/08/12 |
- No feedback received on deployment so deadline for DSOR extended
- New milestones for DSOR and Closure submitted to WIS for approval
- Solution for "apostrophe issue" applied to TEST and test downloads sent to Registry for testing
David Watters |
24-Aug-2012 |
Week ending 17/08/12 |
- Website updated with details of ASOR and submitted to WIS
- Plans made for deployment to LIVE on 16/08/12
- Upgraded version promoted to LIVE on 16/08/12
- Feedback from users on Phase 2 sought ahead of DSOR
David Watters |
17-Aug-2012 |
Week ending 10th August 2012 |
- All outstanding JIRAs completed and tested before returning to users
- More user test results received with positive results (and some questions about future developments)
- Acceptance stage signed off at ASOR and plans made for deployment
David Watters |
10-Aug-2012 |