Completion Report - draft (9/10/12)
Project Summary:
The Deliverables agreed in the Project Brief were all achieved
The project covered a set of required enhancements to a system which had recently been migrated to the IS Support model.
The project remained in scope and met all the business objectives agreed in the Project Brief. A support call was also included in the project to avoid clashes of developers in the same environment.
The project was scheduled in 2 phases. Both phases were delivered to time and with a 1 day increase in budget. There were no issues in scheduling the project.
The project provided all the deliverables agreed in the Project Brief
The support call (I120807-0474)was picked up by the project in agreement with the Project Sponsor and Business Leads to avoid Apps Management and the Project team accessing the same code in the same environments at the same time.
The project stayed within the agreed timeline of the original scope.
There was a support call taken into the project which marginally increased the scope
The budget needed to be increased by 1 day in order to complete all the closure activities.
The Project stayed on schedule throughout both phases.
Analysis of Resource Usage:
Staff Usage Estimate: 62 days
Staff Usage Actual: 63 days
Staff Usage Variance: -1.6129%
Other Resource Estimate: 0 days
Other Resource Actual: 0 days
Other Resource Variance: 0%
Explanation for variance:
An additional day was required to complete the closure tasks.
Key Learning Points:
The project was designed, built and delivered to the meet the specified requirements and delivered on time.
Areas for Improvement
CAM were a new client to IS Apps. They felt that the experience of initially requesting a Project and associated funding was unclear ie based on advise from IS Apps, they requested funding one way, were advised to do it another way and then re-advised to go back to the first way. For new clients, the process should be clear and straightforward.
The deliverables were predominantly code enhancements to the existing system, which in hindsight, did not necessarily need all the review meetings to be held in person. For similar projects in the future, agree up front the format of the review meetings and the sign-off process ie if e-mail communication is sufficient then proceed in this manner.
The application is located on 2 environments – Test and Live. The UAT in the test environment all progressed successfully and was signed off but during the deployment to the Live environment, there were issues which meant that incorrect links were displayed on the live web pages. Whilst these issues were dealt with immediately it was felt that there is a need for 3 environments (dev/test/live). This would have meant a proper test of the deployment could have been carried out from Dev to Test and the issues would have been picked up prior to deployment to the Live environment.
The ultimate objective of the project was to enable the KIS data to be displayed when it was released. The project met this objective and the key benefit was immediate because all prospective UG students were able to see the KIS widget on the UoE web-site on the day that the live KIS widget link was released.
Outstanding issues:
There are no outstanding issues