Priority and Funding
This project is NORMAL priority. It is core-funded, from the GDPR Programme portfolio Budget.
The estimate at end of planning is 30 days.
Impact and Dependencies
This Project should have minimal impact on LIVE operations as the changes can co-exist with the existing categories. The associated documentation will need to be written to be include in the planning process by the business owners, within this and future planning rounds.
This Project heavily depends upon the availability of the Records Management team throughout the Project Lifecycle. Their role is to ensure that the changes that are developed with have the desired outcome that will ensure compliance to the GDP Regulator.
UAT will also be performed by the Records Management team but there is a dependency on some support from the Project and Testing service team for the new functionality, the co-existing with current functionality and the redundancy of the old categories together with the searchability of the documentation. The UAT scripts that are available are a few years old and require updating and review to ensure the Quality of the Project deliverables.
There is a dependency on the knowledge of the Records Management team throughout the Project Lifecycle. New resources have been recruited to support the volume of work on the team. It is crucial to the success of the project that we have experienced staff available and accessible without incurring delays.
Business Readiness depends on the Records Management Team ensuring awareness and preparedness of new procedures and processes at the various stages of the Project plus the Project manager ensuring clear and timely project communications to key Stakeholders.
Project Risks
Ref | Title | Initial Risk | Current Risk | Status | Management Approach | Risk Owner | Date of Last Review | |
1 | Records Management Availability | GREEN | GREEN | Open | Retain | Sara Cranston | 21-Nov-2017 | |
2 | Software Development resources | AMBER | GREEN | Open | Avoid | Megan Graham | 11-Dec-2017 | |
3 | Definition of response time unclear | AMBER | GREEN | Open | Avoid | Sara Cranston | 14-Dec-2017 | |
4 | Regulatory requirements may change | GREEN | GREEN | Open | Retain | Sara Cranston | 14-Dec-2017 | |
5 | Rework to undo some of the development impacting on costs and resources | AMBER | GREEN | Open | Retain | Megan Graham | 11-Dec-2017 | |
6 | Development and TEST environment may not be suitable for the Project Purposes | GREEN | GREEN | Open | Retain | Martin Jones | 19-Dec-2017 | |
7 | conflict for project team resources | GREEN | GREEN | Open | Avoid | Megan Graham | 19-Dec-2017 |