

This project is a continuation of work completed in STU268 and decommissioning of the Making Transitions Personal (MTP) specific artefacts in the closure of Evasys within the University. The Evasys service is now no longer used for the annual 'Making Transitions Personal Review' delivered by Careers to incoming students at the start of each academic year. 

It has been agreed that Applications Directorate will provide budget for the 24/25 MTP Review as part of agreeing closure of STU268. This project (STU272) will review the Service Description Document (SDD) and ensure the Abacus entry is completed, note the key IT roles and tasks for the Review each year, as well as support Careers in the delivery of the Review.  This project will provide coordination and resource booking of the support tasks required for the Making Transitions Personal Review 24/25 and associated team tasks.



  1. To deliver the 2024/25 MTP Review with recommendations to students
  2. To identify the ISG tasks with estimated effort that would be required on an annual basis to deliver the Review
    1. Confirm annual start date for ISG support and confirm total estimated effort for support tasks annually to ensure future successful outcomes.
  3. Complete the two agreed Outstanding actions from STU268:
    1. review the Service Description Document (SDD)
    2. Ensure Abacus entry is completed

Out of scope

  1. Deciding if the key deliverable for this project, the MTP Review, is made an annual project. 
    1. This project will not take the decision on whether an annual project is required in Applications to deliver the MTP support tasks but the findings of this project will inform programme discussions.
  2. Determining the funding needed for future Reviews (future years) across ISG 
  3. A recommendation of next steps for determining the above items


Objectives and Deliverables

Ref Objective/Deliverable Priority Success Criteria Owner
O1 Technical and Service Documentation is updated, agreed, and Handover process to Technical Teams are formally resolved   Completion of Must Have deliverables  Project Sponsor
D1.1 Abacus to be updated as part of STU272 Must Updated and signed off by Technical Management  Senior Supplier
D1.2 System Description Document (SDD) to be reviewed and signed-off to Production as part of project Must Reviewed and signed off by both Production Management and Software Development Senior Supplier (Production  Management Owns this) 
D1.3 Key Contacts list created for ISG areas related to dependent project tasks Could   Project Manager
D1.4 Testing Process is written down by Software Development and handed to Production Management for ownership Must Agreed final documentation in Wikis - signed off as Milestone to the project Senior Supplier 
O2 Successfully deliver MTP Review to students   Completion of Must Have deliverables Project Sponsor
D2.1 Send out MTP Review with Welcome email to students Must

Review sent out without issue, including ensuring Advisors have access to dashboards

ITI provisioning of accounts takes place prior to the Review Link being sent to students so students can access the review without issue

Careers Team
D2.2 Ensure Student Advisers and Careers staff are able to view responses in Euclid and SP dashboards Must Check at Delivery that the support staff have access to viewing the student responses Technical Leads
D2.3 Capture student submissions from Review after it's link has been provided to students in the welcome email Must Students are engaged on the Review without issue Careers Team
D2.4 Send out personalised emails to students with recommendations after Review is closed Must Students are able to access the record of their responses via EUCLID (checked prior to email being sent) Careers Team
D2.5 Data is captured in a file for Careers to save after the Review is closed Must

Once the Review closes, data from submissions are saved to a file for Careers record keeping

Must take place before data is erased from system

Careers Team
D2.6 Informed User and User support - Communication Plan Must Users and Business Contacts are prepared for the Review at every stage from Live Review, Reminders, Closure, and Recommendations to Students. Careers Team
O3 Identify the ISG tasks that would be required on an annual basis to deliver the Review and estimate the effort required for these ISG tasks   Completion of Must Have deliverables Project Sponsor
D3.1 Actual Breakdown of time on tasks reported at Closure presented in a report or Implementation Plan  Must Full participation of project team to accurately timesheet their time to the project and capture timing data Project Manager 



Benefit Recipient 
Successful, positive, engagement for new students as a the initial Welcome to the University. The goal to the meet or exceed previous levels of engagement from students at 7,784 submissions.  Incoming Students
This project's deliverables will provide coordination and resource requirements to the support tasks required for the Making Transitions Personal Review 24/25. This is the second time the Review will be completed using the new SharePoint service, so final reports and closure documentations with the implementation plan will ensure future Reviews run smoothly across teams.  ISG and Careers
Fully embedding the new provisioner of the Review into the Career's team through the assurance of an IS Apps project to support this year, and through the mitigation and avoidance of the issues encountered last year.  Careers


Success Criteria

The successful completion of all Must Have Deliverables by the Closure of the project - the most key being the successful delivery and engagement of students on the MTP Review. 


Project Milestones

Stage Milestone Due Date Previous Date
Initiate Initiation (Major Milestone) 28-Jun-2024 No date available
Plan End of Planning (Major Milestone) 26-Jul-2024 No date available
Execute Testing Complete 31-Jul-2024 No date available
Execute Review set to Live 12-Aug-2024 No date available
Deliver Delivery of Review to Students (Major Milestone) 20-Aug-2024 15-Aug-2024
Deliver Review reminder email sent to students 09-Sep-2024 No date available
Deliver Review Closes 27-Sep-2024 No date available
Deliver Review Recommendations sent to Students 28-Oct-2024 No date available
Close Task Breakdown Review Sign-Off 13-Nov-2024 No date available
Close Closure (Major Milestone) 29-Nov-2024 No date available

Project Info

Making Transitions Personal Review 24/25
Student Services (STU)
Management Office
Project Manager
Alexandra Mezeul
Project Sponsor
Alex Carter
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Overall Priority

