Priority and Funding
IS-Apps classify this project as “Very Important” (i.e. priority 2) for MVM to ensure to have a reliable database hosted and supported by IS.
New infrastructure and installation of the two required Virtual Machines will be funded by IS Apps.
The project effort to implement the new system and migration of data is to be funded under the 150 days of MVM College ring-fenced time. Extra costs may be applicable to pay for the shared server each year.
On-going support costs will be agreed as part of the longer-term support requirement assessment.
The MBChB Assessment Budget will fund the Speedwell consultant work during the data migration. Supplier charges £1K for conversion from Paradox to MSSQL. Project Sponsor suggests it may be best for IS Apps to co-ordinate and pay for this activity, and recover the £1K cost from the MBChB Assessment Budget via an internal money transfer order as software has already been bought.
Impact and Dependencies
Dependencies for go live:
- Medical assessment OSCE takes place in September and February. The live exams will prevent the changes to be deployed during those exam periods.
- MCQ marking software used on a monthly basis by Medics as well as twice a month for OSCE software.