

Scope, Objectives and Deliverables




MVM has identified the need for IS to host the Speedwell databases, and migrate existing data in consultation with Speedwell.


To work with Speedwell, the software supplier to:

1.    set up Test and Live databases on IS shared server,

2.    migrate data from the existing Speedwell implementations,

3.    agree on-going support requirements for the service.


1.    To create Test and Live MSSQL databases for each of the 3 MVM assessment organisations (Medicine, Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences) on IS shared server, so that Speedwell software can be used by MVM as per software specifications http://www.speedwell.co.uk/page/226/system-requirements.htm. The database sizes are not expected to be very large (the largest known is currently used in London and is only 3 gigabytes).

2.    Each database needs to be configured to have appropriate security, access controls, availability and recoverability. Note that there will be no physical access to the server, only to the dedicated databases. Availability of the server will be as per IS standard for priority 2 systems, recoverability will be supported by regular backups.

3.    IS-Apps, working with the supplier, to convert data from the Medical School into a MSSQL format and to migrate data (from Medicine and Vet only) into the new supported database service. Current database is Paradox based. Highly desirable requirement. This deliverable could be phased as per school’s requirements (1st Medics, 2nd Vets). Speedwell recommended method to drop database would be as an encrypted object (encryption format to be agreed between IS-Apps and the supplier) over FTP. Note: Data must be encrypted during transfer: it contains student assessment data. The supplier must agree to securely delete all working data once the conversion has been made and returned to IS, and IS must check with the supplier that this has been done.


4.    IS to provide testing guidance for the migration phase, but test plan and testing will be done by MVM users.

5.    Desktop deployment package: IS Apps and IS Desktop Services will package the client software for distribution via “supported desktop”, tuning the application for each of Medicine, Vet and if required, Biomedical Sciences. IS Desktop Services will deploy it.

6.    Documents to be written: TAD (Technical Architecture Doc, required for build), OD (Operational Doc: describes the common tasks needed to maintain and run the application and cover disaster recovery position).


7.    Confirmation of on-going support position through provision of Service Level Agreement (SLA)


1.    Although an existing IS shared server exists for SQL server 2005, it is old. It is proposed to use this project as an opportunity to build a new shared environment for SQL server 2008. The infrastructure and the installation of the server will be funded by existing IS fund.  This project will start at the point this new service is ready.

2.    Test and Live databases will not be built at the same time. This is to avoid possible rework on Live.

3.    Development databases are not required as new development of the software will be done by Speedwell. “TEST” and “LIVE” copies of the database will be maintained.

4.    There are currently different versions of the client software used. Each client version will use its own database. In other words the Vet, Medicine and if required Biomedical Sciences databases, will be separate databases within the same database server instance. It is accepted that a school can access the other 2 databases.

5.    It is planned that all users will soon use an upgraded version as confirmed by Speedwell: the new release of Question Bank is scheduled to coincide with the release of CliniQuest (OSCE v3). At present there is no definitive release date but this should be Q3/Early Q4.This is part of Speedwell support contract. If there are different software versions used, there will need to be separate package/deployment to desktop (and therefore increased package/deployment time). Note: package deployment for subsequent client side upgrades might be taken over by MVM-based COs.

6.    Only one instance of MSSQL will be installed for this project. All 3 schools’ software will use the same instance of MSSQL database. TEST and LIVE versions will co-exist on this instance.

7.    Before Migration starts, old data will have been converted to new MSSQL format by Speedwell working with IS-Apps (as the technical expertise is with Speedwell). “Conversion” is required for Medical School only. The Vet School will require migration only.

8.    There will be scripts available from Speedwell to create/populate the database.

9.    Data received from Speedwell to be preserved intact in case it shall be used to populate the Live database.

10.  There will be a Live downtime at the time of deployment.


Out of Scope of this project

MVM end users will also use the testing time to evaluate the new version of the software which has recently been bought. 




This project will provide a IS database hosting to MVM Speedwell software. The IS shared server will be maintained and supported by IS. Data will be in a format supported by Speedwell. Current and historical data will be properly managed and secured within the database.

Success Criteria

  •  Each Test and Live 6 databases are set up and working for the functionality of the Speedwell software: to be assessed by MVM users as part of Test sign off and post Live checks.
  •  Current data are available for access on all the new databases: to be assessed by MVM users as part of Test sign off and post Live checks.
  • Databases have backups and can be recovered. They have appropriate security and access controls. Done by IS Apps.
  • Service level agreement in place for on-going support. SLA document signed off by stakeholders.


Project Info

Speedwell database hosting
ISG - Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
Project Manager
Franck Bergeret
Project Sponsor
David Williamson
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date