August 2012
- Report Date
- August 2012
Achievements in Last Period
- 2 new Machines built (Test and Live) with MSSQL database ready for the Test Machine
- N/A
Next Steps
- to sign off Brief and agree testing dates with MVM end users
- To review TAD
Target date | Title |
06-Sep-2012 | Brief sign off |
07-Sep-2012 | TAD completed and reviewed |
07-Sep-2012 | 2 new VM build completed |
26-Sep-2012 | Convert and migrate data into 3 Test databases |
26-Oct-2012 | Check data migrated/software in Test |
02-Nov-2012 | ASOR sign off test |
12-Nov-2012 | Convert and Migrate data in the 3 Live databases |
19-Nov-2012 | Package and deploy Live to desktop |
26-Nov-2012 | Deployment sign off DSOR |
12-Dec-2012 | Closure |
- Approved budget
- 35.0 days
- Activity this month
- 5.5 days
- Activity this year
- 5.5 days
- Activity to date
- 5.5 days
- Estimate to complete current year
- 32.1 days
- Estimate to complete future years
- 0.0 days